meningeal sarcoma 髓膜肉瘤 ; 脑膜肉瘤病 ; 脑膜肉瘤

meningeal neurosyphilis 脑膜神经梅毒

Meningeal melanomatosis 脑膜黑色素瘤病

Middle meningeal 脑膜中动脉

meningeal melanocytoma 黑色素细胞瘤

meningeal swelling 脑膜积水

meningeal vein 脑膜静脉

meningeal signs 脑膜炎征候

meningeal streak 翻译[1]

Objective to study the MRI finding features of metastatic meningeal carcinomatosis.


The top of the skull is removed to reveal the middle meningeal artery which has emerged from the foramen spinosum to branch over the surface of the dura.


Other proposed mechanisms include meningeal carcinomatosis with infiltration of cells into the cord and direct invasion from contiguous structures.


相关查询: meningeal sarcoma
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