英 [səˈtɪfɪkət] 美 [sərˈtɪfɪkət]

n. 证明,证书;文凭,成绩合格证书;电影放映许可证

v. 发证书给……,用证书证明

[ 复数 certificates 第三人称单数 certificates 现在分词 certificating 过去式 certificated 过去分词 certificated ][1]

qualification certificate 资格证书

registration certificate 登记证;注册证书;注册证明

certificate of origin [商]原产地证书

inspection certificate 检验证明书;检查证明

marriage certificate 结婚证书

certificate of quality 品质证明书,质量证明书

birth certificate 出生证明

health certificate 健康证明书

quality certificate 品质证明书;技师证明书

deposit certificate 银行存款单

certificate of registration 注册执照

certificate of approval 合格证;批准证明书

certificate authority 凭证管理中心;认证授权

business registration certificate 商业登记执照

graduation certificate 毕业证书

valid certificate 有效证书;有效凭证

death certificate 死亡证明

acceptance certificate 验收证明书

test certificate 试验证瞄;汽车(安全性能)证明

identity certificate 身份证明书,身份证[1]

1He was shown a photocopy of the certificate.给他看了证书的复印件。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

2She's going in for the Cambridge First Certificate.她打算参加剑桥初级证书考试。《牛津词典》

3She didn't like the course but she stuck it out to get the certificate.她并不喜欢这门课,但为了拿证书还是耐着性子学完了。《牛津词典》

4The new degree and the existing certificate courses would run in parallel.新的学位课程和现有的证书课程将并行开设。《牛津词典》

5A senior certificate with matric exemption is required for entry to university.上大学需要有中学毕业的资格证书。《牛津词典》

6I showed his certificate and a book.我展示了他的证书和一本书。

7All participants will receive a certificate of participation in the contest.所有参赛者将获得参赛证书。

8This RA can register users and manage certificate requests without having direct access to the certifier ID and password.这个 RA 可以注册用户并管理证书请求,而不需要直接访问证明者 ID 和口令。

9Readers whose submissions are published will receive a gift certificate from Harrowsmith Books.来搞被发表的读者将获得哈罗史密斯书店的礼劵。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

10You must provide a medical certificate indicating you are fit to work.你必须提供一份健康状况证明,以证明你适合工作。

11George Reeder, 63, has been given a bravery certificate (证书) because of saving the life of a baby.63岁的乔治·里德因为拯救了一个孩子的生命而被授予一个见义勇为证书。

12When Mr. Reeder got the certificate, a reporter said, "This was a very brave act, as he put his own life at risk."当里德拿到证书时,一名记者说:“这是非常勇敢的行为,因为他把自己的生命置于危险之中。”

13Sanlian bookstores will give young readers a Star Reader certificate and a discount card if they read any 8 books over the summer.只要年轻读者在暑假期间阅读了8本书,三联书店就会为他们颁发星级读者证书和打折卡。

14It'd be kind of fun plus participants get a $50 gift certificate.这将会很有趣,参与者还可以得到一个50美元的礼券。

15Eligibility is determined not by one's need but by the date on one's birth certificate.资格不是由个人的需要决定,而是由个人出生证明上的日期决定的。

16In some countries, people who get flu outside of work hours need a doctor's certificate.在一些国家,人们非工作时间得流感需要医生的证明。

17I'm looking for the highest rate possible on a short-term certificate of deposit account.我正在寻找短期存款帐户的最高利率。

18You need proof of citizenship, either an old passport or a birth certificate and three photographs.你需要能自证公民身份的证件,旧护照或出生证明都可以,另外还需要三张个人照片。

19I just couldn't get used to living in a big city, so here I am back in school taking courses for a teacher's certificate.我只是无法适应大城市的生活,所以又回到了学校,参加教师资格证书的课程。

20To open a current account, you will need to show your passport and birth certificate and to provide your address in the United Kingdom.要开一个活期账户,你需要出示你的护照和出生证明,并提供你在英国的地址。

21Some 65% of American men aged 62-74 with a professional degree are in the workforce, compared with 32% of men with only a high-school certificate.在美国,拥有专业学位的62-74岁男性中,约有65%的人在工作,而在只有高中学历的同年龄段男性中,这一比例为32%。

22This certificate is invalid.此证明无效。《新英汉大辞典》

23Each certificate has an expiry.每个证书都有过期日期。

24Process the digital certificate.处理数字证书。

25I lost my medical certificate.我的健康证明丢了。

26Accept this certificate.请接受这个证书。

27Why should we trust this certificate?为什么我们应该相信这个证书呢?

28Accept the certificate when prompted.出现提示时接受证书。

29The certificate should not be accepted.该证书不应该被接受。

30This certificate qualifies the products.这份证书证明产品合格。[1]

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