英 [ˈvæskjələ(r)] 美 [ˈvæskjələr]
adj. [生物] 血管的[1]
non-vascular plant 非维管植物 ; 无维管束植物 ; 无维管植物
Vascular surgeon 血管外科医生 ; 心血管外科医生 ; 血管外科医师 ; 血管外科大夫
Vascular Surgery 血管外科 ; 周围血管外科 ; [外科] 血管外科学
vascular disease 血管疾病
vascular dementia 血管性痴呆;血管型失智症
vascular bundle [植]维管束
vascular tissue 维管组织;血管组织;脉管组织
vascular resistance 血管阻力
vascular system 血管系统;维管系
peripheral vascular disease 周围性血管疾病
vascular plant 维管植物;导管植物
vascular cambium 维管形成层;维管束形成层
vascular bed [医]血管床[1]
Auxin also causes the plant to develop a vascular system, to form lateral roots, and to produce ethylene. 生长素还能使植物形成维管系统,形成侧根,并产生乙烯。
Rosemary is rich in the anti-oxidant, carnosic acid which dilates the cerebral vascular tissues. 迷迭香富含抗氧化剂和鼠尾草酸,它们都有助于大脑血管组织扩张。
Models of segmental heterotopic small intestine transplantation were established using three sleevelet vascular anastomosis. 采用三袖套血管吻合法建立大鼠节段性异位小肠移植模型。
It is possible EV71 may pass through vascular endothelium by infection or by transcytosis. 肠病毒如何穿越血管内皮的可能原因为直接感染内皮细胞、借胞饮作用穿过血管层。
General and Vascular Surgery. 普通及血管外科。
Intermittent claudication is caused by peripheral vascular disease. 间歇性跛行是由周围性血管疾病引起的。
This finding of a vascular component has been around since 1863. 这项发现自1863年开始作为血管学的一个分支研究领域。
There is a significant amount of research to support the vascular theory. 也存在大量的调查以支持这种血管理论。
So will doctors one day prescribe pro-oxidants to treat vascular diseases? 那么,会不会有一天医生开出助氧化剂处方来治疗血管疾病呢?
Reducing your risk of your vascular walls becoming overstretched and injured. 减少血管壁的过分扩张和损害的风险。
Compartment syndrome may occur, which will further worsen vascular compromise. 可能出现间隔症候群,这会使血管损伤进一步恶化。
Find your total points (top row) to determine your vascular age (bottom rows). 在上面一行找到你的总分,然后在对应的下面一行找到你的动脉年龄。
This then leads to diseases such as cancer, cardio-vascular disease and diabetes. 这将导致诸如癌症,心血管病和糖尿病在内的诸多疾病。
The cholesterol which sticks to the vascular walls is called LDL and is therefore 'bad'. 其中粘着在血管壁上的胆固醇是低脂密度脂蛋白,因此是‘坏’的。
Algae can make the leap from start to finish directly, whereas vascular plants cannot. 海藻可以直接从开始蹦到结束,而导管植物不可以。
Other scientists and physicians have been treating vascular, pulmonary, and kidney diseases. 其他科学家和医生则一直在设法治疗血管疾病、肺部疾病和肾脏病。
Investigators theorize that it is the flavonols in chocolate that cause vascular improvement. 调查者推论巧克力中含有的黄酮醇导致血管改善。
Subsequent research further supported the connection between diet and cardio-vascular disease. 随后的研究也证实了饮食与心血管疾病之间的联系。
AAA is one of the rare vascular diseases where tissue samples are removed as part of patient therapy. AAA是一种罕见的血管疾病,需要取出组织样本作为病人疗程的一部分。
Then the new vascular structure supports increase blood flow, and that happens as a function of exercise. 锻炼使得新的血管结构生成,加大了血液循环量。
Oliver Aalami, a vascular surgeon at Valley Medical Center in Renton, Washington, is one of those testers. Oliver Aalami,来自华盛顿伦顿河谷医疗中心的血管科大夫,就试用了这款设备。
The concept of vascular age underscores the crucial role blood vessels play in maintaining heart health. 动脉年龄的概念主要强调了动脉在保持心脏健康方面的主要角色。
But research suggests that all such vascular conditions are linked by one common symptom - high blood viscosity. 但是调查显示,所有的血管疾病都与一个普遍的症状有关,即高血粘度。
Vascular depression may result when blood vessels become less flexible and harden over time, becoming constricted. 血管型抑郁症可能产生,一旦血管随着时间变得缺乏韧性而发硬,变得狭窄。
In excess, the effects can be deadly by causing a heart attack, stroke or other cardio-vascular-related problem. 用量过度可以致命:它还可以引发心脏病、中风或其他与心血管相关的疾病。
To prevent amputations in patients with peripheral disease it is important to ensure early referral to a vascular surgeon. 为防止外周病患者截肢,重要的一点是要确保尽早安排血管外科医生。
In some contexts it can be used to refer to any sort of occlusive vascular disease anywhere in the body, except the heart. 在某些语境中它也指代除心脏外全身任何地方的各种闭塞性血管疾病。
The work appears in the journal Science Translational Medicine. [Readily Available Tissue-Engineered Vascular Grafts] 这项工作发表在科学转化医学杂志上。[1]