topographic map[测] 地形图 ; 地形图

Topographic Surveying 地形测量学 ; 地形测量 ; 地形测量

topographic cartography 地形图制图学

Topographic Technique 测绘技术

topographic index 地形指数

topographic base 地形底图

topographic lineament 地形线性要素

topographic form 地形特征 ; 地貌形态 ; 地形型态 ; 地形

topographic inequality 地形起伏[1]

The divide is a topographic feature that separates Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean water drainages.这条分水岭是一个分割太平洋和大西洋水流域的地形特征。

This astronaut photograph was taken at approximately 7:45 a.m. local time, when the Sun was still fairly low above the horizon, leading to shadowing to the west of topographic high points.这张卫星图片大约在当地时间早上7:45拍摄,这时太阳依然停留在地平线以下,从而我们可以看到,该地的地形外廓被投影到其高地的西侧。

China is a country with unique topographic and geomorphic conditions and complicated engineering geology, resulting in extremely complex technical problems in building transportation infrastructure.中国的地形地貌特殊,工程地质极为复杂,交通基础设施无论是公路、铁路、机场、港口、航道都存在着极为复杂的技术问题。[1]

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