
Once upon a time I made a lion roar

He was sleeping

in the sunbeams on the old zoo floor

I had gone to see the park

where my papa used to play

It's called called villa borghese

and it's on the way

To east africa

Down on Grand Comoro Island

where I grew past four

I could swim and fish

and snorkel on the ocean floor

And the wind laughed

and the wind laughed

through the trees as if to say

Here's a child who'll

want the world to go his way

In east africa in east africa

Suddenly for me the world

turned upside down

Far from my friends the lions

and the dolphins came this awful sound

Dark shadows

sounds of thunder raging over me

Came this monster called


Where's my East Africa

Well they said they said they said

the ones who know it all

They said from now on for you

there will be no more standing tall

So i took my parents' hands

i lifted my head to say

I'll just have to be a hero

there's no other way

Back to East Africa

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