英 [ˌmænjuˈfæktʃərɪŋ] 美 [ˌmænjuˈfæktʃərɪŋ]

n. 制造,制造业

v. (用机器)大量生产,成批制造;编造,捏造;生成,产生(一种物质)(manufacture 的现在分词)[2]


manufacture /ˌmænjʊˈfæktʃə/ CET4 TEM4 ( manufacturing, manufactured, manufactures )

1.V-T To manufacture something means to make it in a factory, usually in large quantities. 生产 [商业]

2.N-UNCOUNT Manufacture is also a noun. 生产

3.manufacturing N-UNCOUNT 生产

4.N-COUNT In economics, manufactures are goods or products which have been made in a factory. 工业品 [商业]

5.V-T If you say that someone manufactures information, you are criticizing them because they invent information that is not true. 捏造 [表不满][2]

Lean Manufacturing 精益生产 ; 精益制造 ; 精实生产 ; 精实制造

Manufacturing Execution System 制造执行系统 ; 生产执行系统 ; MES制造执行系统 ; 生产制造执行系统

Manufacturing Engineer 制造工程师 ; 生产工程师 ; 工艺工程师 ; 制造工艺工程师

manufacturing worker 生产员工 ; 出产员工 ; 临盆员工 ; 消费员工

flexible manufacturing system 弹性制造系统 ; 柔性制造系统 ; 制造系统 ; 灵活加工系统

Manufacturing overhead 制造费用 ; [会计] 制造间接费 ; 打造用度

Computer-Aided Manufacturing 计算器辅助制造 ; 电脑辅助生产 ; 计较机匡助打造

Agile Manufacturing 敏捷制造 ; 灵捷制造 ; 造方式 ; 灵活制造[2]

The entire manufacturing process has been automated. 整个生产过程已自动化。

Manufacturing failed to meet the crisis of the 1970s. 制造业没能成功地应对20世纪70年代危机的考验。

The Japanese are expert at lowering manufacturing costs. 日本人在降低生产成本方面很在行。

Manufacturing glitches have limited the factory's output. 制造过程中的故障影响了工厂的产量。

Many jobs in manufacturing were lost during the recession. 在经济衰退期,制造业有很多人失业了。

Some of the nation's manufacturing jobs may be gone for good. 该国制造产业中有些职业也许会永远消失。

Drug manufacturing is the most profitable business in the U.S. 药品生产是美国最赚钱的行业。

British manufacturing industry has been running down for years. 英国的制造业多年来一直在萎缩。

Manufacturing industry was worst affected by the fuel shortage. 制造业受燃料短缺的影响最为严重。

Mining rose by 9.1%, manufacturing by 9.4% and services by 4.3%. 采矿业增长了9.1%,制造业增长了9.4%,服务业增长了4.3%。

We were not able to meet the deadline because of manufacturing delays. 由于生产延误,我们没能在截止日期前完成工作。

In 1920, the United States led the world in iron and steel manufacturing. 美国的钢铁制造业在1920年领先于世界。

Our seemingly unassailable lead in speciality manufacturing has dwindled. 我们在特殊产品制造上似乎不容置疑的领先优势缩小了。

American manufacturing organizations have been downsizing their factories. 美国制造商们一直在缩小他们工厂的规模。

People thought they were all crazy to try to make money from manufacturing. 人们认为他们都试着从制造业中赚钱太傻了。

Manufacturing processes may be affected by the functionality of the product. 生产过程可能要受到产品设计目的的影响。

There has been a shift of emphasis from manufacturing to service industries. 重点已经从制造业向服务行业转移。

The manufacturing economy contracted in October for the sixth consecutive month. 制造业经济到10月份已连续萎缩6个月了。

The country was being brought to its knees by the loss of 2.4 million manufacturing jobs. 该国由于失去240万制造业工作机会,濒临崩溃。

Managers have learned to grapple with networking, artificial intelligence, computer-aided engineering and manufacturing. 管理人员已经学会如何去应付网络、人工智能、计算机辅助工程和制造等问题。

How would this translate to manufacturing? 这将如何转化为制造业?

The statistics in manufacturing are staggering. 制造业的统计数据令人震惊。

Manufacturing is not the economic engine that it once was. 制造业不再像过去那样是经济发展的引擎了。

What we mentioned above is the core of the agile manufacturing. 上面我们提到的是敏捷制造的核心。

Last year a record number of new manufacturing jobs were created. 去年制造业创造了创纪录的就业机会。

Clearly, the manufacturing sector of the economy cannot be blamed. 显然,不能责怪经济体中的制造业。

Today, the Mbakwas run a clothing manufacturing business and own a home. 如今,Mbakwas 经营着一家服装制造企业,还拥有自己的房子。

At work, robots will take over most jobs in the manufacturing industries. 在工作方面,机器人将会接管制造业的大部分工作。

Most of the world's disk-drive manufacturing is concentrated in South-East Asia. 世界上大多数磁盘驱动器的制造工厂都集中在东南亚地区。

This concept appears in manufacturing where they count both scrap and inventory. 这一概念出现在制造业中,在其中计算废料和库存。[2]

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