
The brilliantly expressive clay models created by Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680) as "sketches" for his works in marble offer extraordinary insights into his creative imagination. Although long admired, the terracotta models have never been the subject of such detailed examination. This publication presents a wealth of new discoveries (including evidence of the artist's fingerprints imprinted on the clay), resolving lingering issues of attribution while giving readers a vivid sense of how the artist and his assistants fulfilled a steady stream of monumental commissions.[1]

Essays describe Bernini's education as a modeler; his approach to preparatory drawings; his use of assistants; and the response to his models by 17th-century collectors. Extensive research by conservators and art historians explores the different types of models created in Bernini's workshop. Richly illustrated, Bernini transforms our understanding of the sculptor and his distinctive and fascinating working methods.[1] (原文)

奢华流苏--BERNINI 一抹雅香,一瞥惊鸿,一段奢华的流苏。 贝尔尼尼集团(BERNINI GROUP) 三十年的风华绝代如流苏般沉坠于时尚的裙角,低调内敛却不掩奢华。 1975年,集团创办人苏锦的世界之旅,打开了集团辉煌历史的第一页。次年,苏锦女士与法国流行工会权威预测公司Nelly Rodi Agency携手合作,创立了贝尔尼尼集团(BERNINI GROUP)。1978年,BERNINI品牌诞生,此后,集团又诞生了BERNIS、FROU FROU、ROBYN、BERNINI 1976等品牌,并且通过集团的海外事业部,代理并发掘了诸如WHISTLES,STELLA CADENTE,SEVERLINE PERAUDINE ISABELLMARANT,CALIGOLA ,BABARA TADDEI, SFIZIO等国外潜力品牌。

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