N-COUNT An adjuster is a device that allows you to alter a piece of equipment's position or setting. 调节器 → see also loss adjuster[1]

Coil adjuster[电] 线圈调节器 ; 线圈调节器

sensitivity Adjuster 灵敏度调节

Layer Adjuster 图层调整工具 ; 颜料桶 ; 图层调整

adjuster grips 抽油杆夹具

switch adjuster 开关调节器 ; 开关调整器 ; 开关调准器英语

valve adjuster 阀调节器 ; 供应气门调节器

Height Adjuster 高度调节器 ; 升降机构

Selection Adjuster 选区调整工具 ; 修改工具

internal adjuster 内调节器[1]

1Think of the front preload adjuster as a ride-height adjuster.想用前预载调节器来作为车身高度的调节。

2This is the light switch and that is the temperature adjuster, Sir.先生,这是电灯开关,那是温度调节器。

3Here is the light switch, the temperature adjuster and the wardrobe.这儿是电灯开关、温度调节器和衣柜。

4No need electronic oxygen sensor (MAP) adjuster to trick the sensor.无需电子氧传感器(map)的调节欺骗的传感器。

5The corrosive thing of rubber film is observed in fuel press adjuster.通过疲劳实验,观察燃油压力调节器中橡胶膜片受腐蚀的情况。

6There are many methods for adjusting parameters of digital PID adjuster.数字PID调节器参数整定的方法很多。

7Because the name of the adjuster will change, we'll pass it as a parameter.因为调整器的名称将会改变,所以我们将其作为参数传送。

8A cheap digital voltage adjuster of high accuracy is described in this paper.本文介绍了一种廉价的高精度数字调压器。

9Some cars have an adjuster that is actuated when the emergency brake is applied.有些汽车在紧急制动时会用自激励调节器。

10Keeping that thought in the forefront of my mind, it's a good attitude adjuster.保持思想在最前线的主意,这是一个好的态度调节器。

11The moving parts of reflow welder include the chain wheel, mesh belt, wideness adjuster and cover.回流焊的运动部分包括链轮、网带、宽窄调节、启盖等。

12Load control is to regard the controllable pitch propeller as the adjuster of load of a main engine.负荷控制就是把调距桨作为主机负荷的调节器。

13Automatic brake adjuster in bus is a wonderful mechanism in order to complete function of auto-adjust.汽车刹车间隙自动调整臂为达到自动调整的功能,一般设计的都是很巧妙的的机构。

14Once, each claim form then passed to a loss adjuster for approval; now software is increasingly used instead.以前,每份索赔表格传给理赔师(loss adjuster)审批;现在愈来愈多地由软件代劳。

15A center-driven tri-sector air heater with a clearance adjuster was adopted to replace the original air preheater.采用中心传动带间隙调节系统的三分仓回转式空气预热器对原空气预热器进行更换。

16Software of the drive and control system realizes the current and speed closed-loop control, which contain PI adjuster.软件部分是主要是实现对直线电机电流和速度的双闭环控制,电流和速度的调节均采用PI调节。

17By using the waning curve method, an adjustment method of the single circuit control system adjuster parameters is obtained.利用衰减曲线法,得出单回路控制系统调节器参数的整定方法。

18The method can integrate the facial animation parameters of MPEG-4 into action unit adjuster and get realistic effect easily.该方法可使得MPEG-4脸部动画参数容易映射到动作单元调节器上,比较真实地表现脸部表情动作。

19The arrival of an Adjuster constitutes identity in the eyes of the universe, and all indwelt beings are on the roll calls of justice.在宇宙之眼里一个调停者构成身份的到来,而且所有存在的生命是处于滚动调用中。

20The valve mechanism with hydraulic lash adjuster(HLA)has generally used in the modern automotive engine, especially in the car engine.现代汽车发动机,尤其是轿车发动机,已普遍采用有液力间隙调节器(HLA)的气门机构。

21The inner loop USES a general proportion adjuster and the outer loop USES a single neuron PID controller with identification implement.内回路采用常规比例调节器,外回路采用带辨识器的单神经元pid控制器。

22The multifunctional IC adjuster has the functions that not only adjust voltage but also control, protect and diagnose charging indicator.多功能集成电路调节器不但具备基本的调压功能,还具备充电指示灯控制、保护、故障诊断等功能。

23While comparing to insurance agent and insurance broker, the public adjuster has still been in the initial stage and has so many problems.但相对于保险代理人、保险经纪人而言,我国保险公估业目前尚处于初始阶段,还存在诸多问题。

24The engineering design method is applied to elect adjuster expediently, thus the system will fill the static and dynamic capability indexes.再应用工程设计法设计出调节器,使系统满足静态和动态性能指标。

25In its rudimentary form, a human being receives the claim information and decides whether to approve the claim, reject it, or involve an adjuster.其基本形式是这样,工作人员接收索赔信息,并确定是批准该索赔,还是拒绝或提交给理算人。

26The Chinese scholars mainly study the system of insurance loss adjuster from the Angle of economics and insurance, seldom in the Angle of law.我国学者对保险公估人制度从经济学、保险学的角度进行研究的稍多一些,从法律的角度对其研究的相对较少。

27This paper describes an AC frequency conversion servo system which is composed of single chip and converter and designs a digital PID adjuster.介绍了应用单片机和变频器组成的数字式变频交流伺服系统及数字PID调节器设计。[1]

刚刚查询:adjuster Diversity 思想感情 人民内部矛盾 derived N-COUNT political 军备竞赛 制度性 regulator 运输船 equipment 第七次 环境规划署 生物资源 里约热内卢 自拈纺纱 高速度 prefixes 徐世昌 濒临灭绝 无产者 negative 我真的在乎 处女膜 八十二 山慈菇 conditioner 小口径 缔约国 凯恩斯 林明鲜 嵩阳运动 复合词 SS骷髅戒指 非对抗性 国际性 肌肉发达 连接起来 Shuttle 卡拉加斯铁矿 电磁辐射 非均衡 民族主义 天皇杯 人口经济学 七十二家房客7 一大片 unhappy 颇受欢迎 刘雨声 格斗王Online 印第安鼠 二次大战 归根到底 controller 罗濠 不高兴 打印机 它本身 injustice 受限制 消费函数 阶级矛盾 被剥削阶级 派生词 出席会议 宇宙争霸第一季 签约国 并不会 东柯谷 正模标本 人口问题 今井萤 九一八事变 不自然 珍珠港 说明文 七七事变 石梁摩崖题记
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