英 [ˈkaʊntənəns] 美 [ˈkaʊntənəns]

n. 面容,表情;支持;拥护

v. 支持;赞同;认可

[ 复数 countenances 第三人称单数 countenances 现在分词 countenancing 过去式 countenanced 过去分词 countenanced ][1]

lose countenance 失色 ; 惊慌失色 ; 慌张起来

Benign countenance 慈眉善目

keep one's countenance 镇定自若 ; 不动声色 ; 泰然自若

in countenance 镇定

countenance model 全貌模式 ; 引入了全貌模式

harsh countenance 严厉的脸色 ; 厉色

change one's countenance 变脸色 ; 脸色改变

give oneself countenance 沉住气

out of countenance 局促不安[1]

Jake would not countenance Janis's marrying while still a student. 杰克不会赞同贾尼斯还是个学生就结婚。

The committee refused to countenance his proposals. 委员会拒不同意他的方案。

Gradually his countenance cleared, and he began to smile long, slow smiles. 渐渐地,他的脸色开朗了,开始慢慢地长时间地挂着微笑。

Whispers passed along, and a boding uneasiness took possession of every countenance. 大家窃窃私语,每个人的脸上都流露出一种不祥的焦虑。

He viewed them with the manner of a fatherly pilot, his countenance radiant with benevolence. 他像一位慈父般的领航员那样望着他们,脸上泛着慈祥的光彩。

An expression of indescribable happiness shone in her countenance, though tears were rolling down her cheeks. 她脸上流露出一种说不出的幸福的表情,虽然眼泪从脸上滚落下来。

There was joy in his speech and countenance. 他欣喜之情,形于辞色。

He possesses a mild and benevolent countenance. 他的面容温和而慈祥。

I exclaimed, concealing my joy under an angry countenance. 我叫着,装出一副愤怒的面容来掩饰自己的兴奋。

When she had finished, she resumed her smiling countenance. 当她哭完后,她又重新恢复了她微笑的表情。

And he spoke to me, 'she added, with a perplexed countenance. “他还跟我说话来着,”她又说,带着迷惑不解的神情。

Management is understandably unwilling to countenance such a move. 但管理层不愿支持这种做法,是可以理解的。

The moon shone full upon Jean Valjean's terrified countenance. 月亮正全面照着冉阿让惊慌的面孔。

The candle brought out the fierce and the fine angles of his countenance. 烛光把他脸上凶横和阴险的曲角突现出来。

That man made a deep impression on me; I shall never forget his countenance! 那个人给我的印象很深。

It was noticed that there was a moment when his countenance became very sombre. 大家注意到他的神色在某一时刻显得非常沉郁。

I read in his countenance what anguish it was to offer that sacrifice to spleen. 我从他脸上看出来是怎样的痛苦心情,才能使他在愤怒中献上这个祭品。

Wherefore the king said unto me, Why is thy countenance sad, seeing thou art not sick? 王对我说,你既没有病,为什么面带愁容呢。

His features were not handsome, but his countenance had for me a strange attraction. 他的脸型并不俊朗,但他的相貌对我有着奇异的吸引力。

To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile. 要永远面带愉快,要用微笑迎接每一个生命。

In the light of the king's countenance is life; and his favour is as a cloud of the latter rain. 王的脸光,使人有生命。王的恩典,好像春云时雨。

And Merkel will not countenance a massive and inflationary intervention by the European Central Bank. 默克尔也不可能支持欧洲央行大规模的通货膨胀性地干预危机。

He has the same sweetness of look, as though upon each countenance an ineffable smile were just dawning. 他的脸上泛着同样亲切的表情,他们的表情中仿佛都呈现出一种不可言喻的微笑。

And shareholders will presumably countenance only a certain amount of borrowing before they get cold feet. 而股东们估计只会支持一定量的借贷,如果借贷额过大股东们会临阵退缩。

And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering. 正祷告的时候,他的面貌就改变了,衣服洁白放光。

It refused to countenance a default by Greece, or even debt restructuring, for fear of market contagion. 先前法国并不同意希腊违约,甚至不同意债务重组,因为担心市场蔓延。

And there is something of dignity in his countenance, that would not give one an unfavourable idea of his heart. 至于他脸上的表情,的确有些尊严,不过人家也不会因此就说他心肠不好。

Blessed [is] the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, o LORD, in the light of thy countenance. 知道向你欢呼的,那民是有福的。耶和华阿,他们在你脸上的光里行走。

Will the American taxpayer-and voter-countenance yet another American land-based foray into the Arab Middle East? 美国纳税人——和选民——会支持另一次美国在阿拉伯中东地区的地面突袭吗?

That was my first idea on observing an elf-locked, brown-eyed boy setting his ruddy countenance against the bars. 那就是在我看到一个有着卷发和棕色眼睛的男孩,把他的红脸靠在门栏上时,我所起的第一个念头。[1]

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