ultrapure material 超纯物质

ultrapure hydrogen 超纯氢气

Ultrapure magnesia 超高纯镁砂

ultrapure water[化学] 超纯水 ; 高纯水 ; 超纯水 ; 超纯透析用水

Ultrapure Substance 特纯物质


Formamide ultrapure 甲酰胺


ultrapure photoresist 超高纯度光刻胶[1]

The first ultrapure fiber was made just four years later, in 1970.仅仅四年之后,全球首个超纯纤维就于1970年问世。

In 197o, researchers at Corning Glass Works were able to produce a kilometer-long ultrapure optical fiber.1970年,康宁玻璃厂的研究者们能生产出了光可以穿行1千米的超纯光纤。

U.S. firms and workers still dominate the most lucrative parts of the solar value chain, particularly the production of the ultrapure silicon that ultimately goes into solar panels.美国的公司和工人在太阳能价值链上,特别是在最终用于太阳能板上的超纯硅的生产上仍然是有优势的。[1]

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