英 [ˈɪɡniəs] 美 [ˈɪɡniəs]

adj. 火的;[岩] 火成的;似火的[1]

igneous rock [岩] 火成岩 ; 岩浆岩 ; 点火石

igneous rocks 火成岩 ; 岩浆岩 ; 火成岩岩浆岩

igneous activity 岩浆活动 ; 火成活动

acid igneous rock 酸性火成岩

igneous petrology [岩] 火成岩石学 ; 火成岩岩石学 ; 火成岩岩

basic igneous rock 基性火成岩 ; 基性火层岩

igneous intrusion 岩浆侵入 ; 火成侵入 ; 侵入岩 ; 进入火成岩

igneous structure 火成岩构造[1]

Igneous and metamorphic rocks are more compact, commonly crystalline, and rarely contain spaces between grains. 火成岩和变质岩比较致密,通常是结晶性的,颗粒之间很少有空隙。

Diamonds, an occasional component of rare igneous rocks called lamproites and kimberlites, have never been dated satisfactorily. 钻石是稀有火成岩(称为煌斑岩和金伯利岩)中偶尔出现的一种成分,其年代测定方法从未令人满意。

Some very ancient sediments were no longer recognizable, having been converted to igneous and metamorphic rocks in the course of mountain building. 在造山的过程中,一些非常古老的沉积物已被转化为火成岩和变质岩,已经无法辨认了。

However, even igneous and metamorphic rocks may act as groundwater reservoirs if extensive fracturing occurs in such rocks and if the fracture system is interconnected. 然而,如果火成岩和变质岩中发生大规模的断裂,并且断裂系统相互连通,那么它们也可以作为地下水储集层。

The granite of the "Suhler Scholle " is capped with Permian sediments and igneous deposits. 苏勒·肖勒花岗岩上覆盖着二叠纪沉积物和火成岩。

The Yogo dike is a narrow subvertical sheet-like igneous body. Yogo堤防是一个狭窄的亚垂直片状火成体。

Topaz occurs in the igneous rock rhyolite. 黄晶通常产于火成岩岩石纹。

But be in these not in igneous group. 可是在这些不火的小组里。

In geology, igneous rocks were once hot liquid. 译在地质学中,火成岩曾是炽热的液体。

Plutonic igneous rock having visibly crystalline texture. 深成火成岩石,有明显的晶体纹理。

Texture and structure of igneous rocks and classification. 岩浆岩的结构和构造岩浆岩的分类。

I wonder if there are further classifications of igneous rocks. 我想知道火成岩还有进一步的类型划分吗。

So eruption of volcanoes is one way of producing igneous rocks. 那么火山喷发是形成火山岩的一种方式罗。

Contrast the formation of intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks. 对比形成的侵扰和挤压火成岩。

The most common intrusive in the order of igneous rocks is granite. 在火成岩系列中最常见的侵入体是花岗岩。

Key points: texture, structure and classification of igneous rocks. 重点:岩浆岩的分类、结构和构造。

The rocks here are igneous and do not fracture along predictable lines. 这儿的石头都是火成岩,石头的裂缝极不规则。

Any igneous rock with crystals embedded in a finer groundmass of minerals. 任何含有嵌入致密的矿物基质的火成岩。

The activity of igneous rocks mainly concentrates in Neogene and Quaternary. 火成岩活动主要集中在晚第三纪和第四纪。

Is there any other way of producing igneous rocks besides the volcanic eruption? 除了火山喷发形成岩浆岩这一种方式外,还有其它方式吗?

Its compounds are found in practically all igneous rocks and their sand deposits. 几乎在所有的火成岩及其沙尘堆积物中都可找到其混合物。

Such meteorites look like igneous rocks from earth-hence the belief that Vesta has a mantle. 这些地球上的陨石看上去像火成岩- - -因此相信灶神星有个地幔。

Such meteorites look like igneous rocks from earth-hence the belief that Vesta has a mantle. 这种陨石与地球上的火成岩相似—因此可以相信灶神星上有地幔存在。

Igneous rock is rock formed by solidification from a molten state; especially from molten magma. 火成岩是从熔融状态(特别是通过熔化岩浆)凝固而成的石头。

The igneous rock kimberlite sets off a yellow diamond from South Africa, a country known for its diamond mines. 在南非这个以钻石矿而闻名的国家,金伯利岩衬托出了这颗黄钻的美丽。

What the prospectors found at Mountain Pass was an igneous ore containing mainly carbonate, sulphate and silicate phases. 勘矿工人们在帕斯山发现的矿石标本是火山熔岩,其主要成分是碳酸盐、硫酸盐和硅酸盐。[1]

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