
So now I am older,

Than my mother and father,

When they had their daughter,

Now what does that say about me.

Oh how could I dream of,

Such a selfless and true love,

Could I wash my hands of?

Just lookin out for me

Oh man what I used to be

Oh man oh my oh me (x2)

Oh man what I used to be

Oh man oh my oh me

In dirth or in excess

Both the slave and the empress,

Will return to the dirt I guess,

Naked as when they came.

I wonder if I'll see,

Any faces above me,

Or just cracks in the ceiling,

Nobody else to blame.

Oh man what I used to be,

Oh man oh my oh me (x2)

Oh man what I used to be

Oh man oh my oh me

Gold teeth and gold jewelry

Every piece of your dowry

Throw them into the tomb with me

Bury them with my name.

Unless I have someday,

Ran my wandering

In my underway

Oh man what I used to be

Montezuma to tripoli

Oh man oh my oh me[1]

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