mesoscale eddy 中尺度涡流 ; [海洋] 中尺度涡
mesoscale disturbance 中尺度扰动
mesoscale dynamics 中尺度动力学的
mesoscale circulation 中尺度环流
Mesoscale Synoptics 中尺度天气学
Mesoscale rainmass 中尺度雨团
mesoscale terrain 中尺度地形
mesoscale dynamic 中尺度动力学[1]
The precipitation process was over after the adjustment of background circulation that propitious to activity of mesoscale system.当有利于中尺度系统活动的背景环流发生调整后,降雨过程便告结束。
The horizontal width of the condensate falling from the convective cells was much less than the width of the observed mesoscale downdraft (60 km compared to 150 km).从对流单体降落的冷凝物的水平宽度比观测到的做尺度下沉气流的宽度小得多(前者60公里而后者150公里)。
The processes and circulations are instrumental in the formation of mesoscale pressure similar to those shown in Fig.1 (i.e., with diameters on the order of several hundred kilometers).这些过程和环流有助于类似图1给出的中尺度气压系统(即直径相当于几百公里的系统)的形成。[1]