英 [ˈpɑːθweɪ] 美 [ˈpæθweɪ]
n. 路,道;途径,路径;神经通路
[ 复数 pathways ][1]
pathway /ˈpɑːθˌweɪ/
1.N-COUNT A pathway is a path that you can walk along or a route that you can take. 路径
2.N-COUNT A pathway is a particular course of action or a way of achieving something. 途径[1]
Clinical pathway 临床路径 ; 临床途径 ; 又称临床程序 ; 路径
Wnt signaling pathway Wnt信号通路 ; 路径 ; 信号通路
metabolic pathway [生化] 代谢途径 ; 代谢通路
mevalonate pathway 甲羟戊酸途径 ; 的甲羟戊酸
pentose phosphate pathway 磷酸戊糖途径 ; [生化] 戊糖磷酸途径 ; 途径 ; 在调控磷酸戊糖途径
Salvage Pathway [生化] 补救途径 ; 补救合成途径 ; 补救合成
glycolytic pathway [生化] 糖酵解途径 ; 酵解途径 ; 翻译 ; 糖酵解路子
amphibolic pathway [生化] 两用代谢途径 ; [生化] 无定向代谢途径 ; 兼用代谢途径 ; 代谢途径
Signaling Pathway 信号通路 ; 信号转导 ; 信号转导途径 ; 分子生物学[1]
Richard was coming up the pathway. 理查德正沿路走来。
Diplomacy will smooth your pathway to success. 良好的交际会铺平你的成功之路。
In the early sixties, programmed learning was looked on as the pathway to mechanize the learning process. 在六十年代早期,程序化学习被看作是机械化学习过程的途径。
Soon you'll see a winding pathway going up towards the northern boundary of the park, go up there and you'll find it at the top. 很快你就会看到一条蜿蜒的小路,通往公园北边,走上去你会发现它就在山顶。
Prolonged odor stimulation, however, could produce more long-lasting reductions in response, possibly involving structures higher in the central nervous system pathway. 然而,长时间的气味刺激可以产生更持久的反应减少,可能涉及中枢神经系统通路的高层结构。
"She now will have an even pathway to enter her home," the fire department wrote. “现在,她将有一条平坦的通道能够进入自己的家,”消防部门写道。
Around the village are 1,000-meter-tall cliffs, and there was only one pathway out of the village for many years. 村子周围是1000米高的悬崖,多年来只有一条小路可以出村。
"Many stairs and uneven pathway unfortunately led to the woman falling over in her wheelchair while trying to enter the house," the fire department wrote. 消防部门写道:“不幸的是,许多楼梯和不平的小路导致这名坐着轮椅的妇女在试图进入房子时摔倒了。”
We're trying to create that pathway. 我们正试图创造那条途径。
Ectoderm follows a default pathway. 外胚层遵循一个默认的路径。
Diaminopimelic acid pathway is one of the lysine biosynthetic pathways. 二氨基庚二酸途径是赖氨酸生物合成途径之一。
They found the stimulation of the respiratory center by the lateral pontile reticular formulation and laterally located descending neural pathway. 他们发现呼吸中枢的刺激来自于侧脑桥网状结构和侧位的下行神经通路。
We're committed to this pathway. 我们仍然致力于这个途径。
The pathway is hierarchical. 这条神经通路是有层次的。
They're opposites for the pathway A. 对路径A,它们的符号是相反的。
That part is the ventral visual pathway. 而这些部分就是腹视觉神经通路。
This pathway operates by phosphorylation. 这条通路由磷酸化来控制。
This pathway is a protective pathway. 这是条保护性手段。
Signaling pathway with extensive consequences 有广泛影响的信号通路
They walked along the pathway toward the house. 他们沿着小路向那所房子走去。
Image: The Pathway of Strategic designers. 图片:战略设计师的设计流程。
The pathway to forgiveness is through compassion. 通向宽恕之路便是同情。
The pathway could also elucidate how language evolved. 该路径还可以说明语言是如何进化的。
Haywire continues, "And I remember this, the pathway." Haywire继续说道,“我记得这些,这个通道。”
Once the pathway has been created, it can be tweaked. 一旦这个路径打通,酵母就可以得到改良。
I used to think that perfection was the pathway to success. 我曾认为完美是取得成功的途径。
"Enhancing this pathway may be key to treating Parkinson's," she says. “增强这一途径可能是治疗帕金森症的关键。”她如是说。
Called TOR, this pathway is involved in a cell's response to nutrients. 这个途径叫TOR,涉及细胞对营养物质的应答。
The result was a model that closely imitates the ventral visual pathway. 这样训练的结果就是一个很接近的模仿了腹侧视觉途径的模型。[1]