Rakesh Pandey belongs to a middle-class family, and is employed. One day when he is returning home from work, he is arrested by the police on the charge of killing a woman in cold-blood. He refutes and denies this charge, but to no avail, as the prosecution produces witness after witness that have actually seen him commit this heinous crime. Ultimately, the court convicts him, and sentences him to several years in jail. After serving his time, Rakesh returns to his family home, and finds that his house has been destroyed in a fire, and his parents killed. Rakesh then finds out that the person behind this outrage is a wealthy industrialist by the name of Jindal. The reason why Jindal chose to destroy and kill all the Pandeys was that the person killed by Rakesh was none other than Jindal's brother. Rakesh vows to avenge this outrage, and assumes the name of Bhairav, not realizing that he has an uphill task, and that all the odds are stacked against him, including the fact that the witness who testified against him is Mrs. Jindal.

相关查询: belongs middle-class employed. returning arrested killing cold-blood. refutes prosecution produces witness actually heinous Ultimately convicts sentences several serving returns destroyed parents killed. outrage wealthy industrialist Jindal. destroy Pandeys brother. assumes Bhairav realizing stacked against including testified
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