The woman who came to tend to her 15 years old mother, Agatha, spoke of a smell of sulphur and a great crack of thunder as the child came into the world. The baby was born mishapen and huge. Some thought her father was the devil. Her mother gave her up at age two and supposedly went to live in a convent for the rest of her life.


Mother Shipton exhibited prophetic and psychic abilities from an early age. Many feared her and her powers mystical powers, which she always used to help people. 希普顿修女


She wrote her prophecies about events to come in the form of poems.


She lived in the time of Henry VIII of England predicted his victory over France in 1513 --"Battle of the Spurs". She prophesized the Dissolution of the Monasteries. This led to the redistribution of the wealth and land held by the monasteries to the emerging middle class and the existing noble families.


At 24 she married Toby Shipton, a carpenter. They had no children. She eventually became known as Mother Shipton a woman helped many people.

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