
Day after day, I shambled through life like a zombie, with only instinct to guide me along. The primitive and uncivilized nature of my life made me feel like a giant reptile during the Cretaceous or Jurassic periods.


In my days as a reptile, the only thing I was able to read was an article on color, some research on the visual imagery of red and green in Chinese poetry.

我带在身上数念珠般反覆诵读,事实上,这篇研究更接近一册搜罗殆尽的色彩元素周期表。它胪陈了几个色彩系统对于红绿的各样命名,单是日本人所著中国色名综览,依据MUNSELL色环罗列,以明度顺序为先,明度相同的,彩度高者先,红色,即有一百四十种红。且看,色谱七·五R的红,润红、淡藏花红、指甲红、谷鞘红、淡桃红、淡罂粟红、苹果红、颊红、瓜瓤红、铁水红、草莓红、曲红、法螺红、桂红、榴花红、汞红、烹虾红、胭脂红、蟹螫红。  I carried it with me like a rosary and read it over and over again. In fact, the work was more like a volume of exhaustive research on a color periodic table. It listed names for reds and greens from several color systems. A Japanese book on Chinese colors alone has 140 different reds, which, based on the MUNSELL Color Chart, are listed in order of shades, and within them by tints. Just look at the reds in row 5 on chart 7: moist red, light primrose red, fingernail red, vale red, light peach red, light poppy red, apple red, cheek red, melon pulp red, molten iron red, strawberry red, distiller's red, escargot red, cassia red, pomegranate red, mercury red, cooked-shrimp red, blush red, and crab-pincer red.

刚刚查询:色素周期表 菠菜蛋羹 羊肉炒米粉 木瓜炖鳗鱼 抚顺玉清宫 葱烧牛鞭花 爱情不二价 塔拉和他的一家 交出来 遥远的天空底下 正确领导 世界无肉日 antiphasedomainboundary 牛顿式反射望远镜 金像奖 四十八 萌可爱 阔叶树 另一个 有条件 拉丁化 大头儿子和小头爸爸选集 水土资源 两重性 减少量 就不是 大理银都水乡国家级旅游景区 环环相扣 孔庙祈福笔 ��ţȭʦȮ 费安玲 即兴之作 麻纺织 朝阳沟 动动脑 Wholesale 红灯笼 ½ 上帝与天文学家 Modules 光滑面 连环湖温泉景区 Captain 地下茎 宝贝游戏 蜀香排骨 金子美穗 自学钢琴 艺术大师 惊慌失措 美国空军 法学大辞典 参加革命 无定形 考特尼-西姆斯 新田仙姑岩 有缺陷 孔子鸟 电工学 临朐县 嘉禾景德镇影城 Kulikova stamens 日本电信电话公社 Ѫͯ 塑料垫板 依此类推 作出规定 为之动容 微型黑洞 厉害媳妇 柏林墙 独立报 华南理工大学 指导方针 湖州市飞英塔文物保管所 独孤求败 国家安全 柿属 反射蒙太奇
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