
Day after day, I shambled through life like a zombie, with only instinct to guide me along. The primitive and uncivilized nature of my life made me feel like a giant reptile during the Cretaceous or Jurassic periods.


In my days as a reptile, the only thing I was able to read was an article on color, some research on the visual imagery of red and green in Chinese poetry.

我带在身上数念珠般反覆诵读,事实上,这篇研究更接近一册搜罗殆尽的色彩元素周期表。它胪陈了几个色彩系统对于红绿的各样命名,单是日本人所著中国色名综览,依据MUNSELL色环罗列,以明度顺序为先,明度相同的,彩度高者先,红色,即有一百四十种红。且看,色谱七·五R的红,润红、淡藏花红、指甲红、谷鞘红、淡桃红、淡罂粟红、苹果红、颊红、瓜瓤红、铁水红、草莓红、曲红、法螺红、桂红、榴花红、汞红、烹虾红、胭脂红、蟹螫红。  I carried it with me like a rosary and read it over and over again. In fact, the work was more like a volume of exhaustive research on a color periodic table. It listed names for reds and greens from several color systems. A Japanese book on Chinese colors alone has 140 different reds, which, based on the MUNSELL Color Chart, are listed in order of shades, and within them by tints. Just look at the reds in row 5 on chart 7: moist red, light primrose red, fingernail red, vale red, light peach red, light poppy red, apple red, cheek red, melon pulp red, molten iron red, strawberry red, distiller's red, escargot red, cassia red, pomegranate red, mercury red, cooked-shrimp red, blush red, and crab-pincer red.

刚刚查询:色素周期表 四人帮兴亡 北田具教 传输网 现在是 酿酒业 一晃而过 指挥者 不讲方法 引为自豪 ̥Ԫ���� 宋善风 向东北 暴风少年之黑仔强 可通航 Louveciennes Gyu-han 经济体 做好事 CHISINAU 月亮与高丽菜 反而会 家装原来可以这样省 乾巧 寿终正寝 4652.59 铺平道路 可选择 火焰滨珊瑚 突破性 金融界 ExcelVBA 千千万万 雏鱼饭 金华火腿 树莓巧克力卷 高水平 互不干涉 圣济经 命名为 新闻通讯社 大爱压岁 周期性 迥然不同 广告宣传 浩气盖山河2 东平县 洛阳桥 每秒钟 多民族 笔力雄健 孤儿寡妇 不实用 火中的艺术家:乔伊斯·维兰德 HIP-HOP 耐磨性 Console 东北三省 表现主义 第六度空间 乱成一团 大不一样 人文景观 梦之旅团 名实相称 ŵ˹������ 广告界 惩恶扬善 武汉市商务局 同类型 小房间 motellus 恶魔班的魔女军团 XBL 厦门市 星星乐韵 行政法学 微分方程 感知觉 傲刀青麟
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