
Hanayo lives in Berlin cause she says the rent is cheap

Couldn't afford that lifestyle Tokyo's too fast and steep

Juergen lives in Munich that cozy comfy town

Got a nice BM that he drives all over town

Mimi lives in Hamburg that fishy harbour breeze

She says it's the best place in the world

And then she starts to sneeze

Dean lives in London does the music business thing

He likes to take girls to the park

And do that sweet sweet thing

People and places people in different towns

People and places people in different towns

Erkki lives in Tampere now where the hell is that

Works the web like no other gotta put him on the map

Weasel she's in New York she got it all set up

She drinks her frappuccino from a glass and not a cup

Jeremy moved to Rome Italian style

Gave up all that fashion jazz and says that with a smile

Russell lives in Cov that a really brutal place

It's in the middle of England right into your face

People and places and places and people

People and places and places and people

People and places and places and people

People and places and places and people

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