英 [ɪˈnɪʃətɪv] 美 [ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]
n. 措施,倡议;主动性,积极性;主动权;(美国某些州的)公民立法提案程序
[ 复数 initiatives ][1]
take the initiative 采取主动;带头
on one's own initiative 主动地
subjective initiative 主观能动性
have the initiative 掌握主动
take initiative 积极主动
learning initiative 学习积极性
peace initiative 和平倡议,倡议和平;和平的开端
proliferation security initiative 防扩散安全倡议[1]
We have the initiative; we intend to keep it. 我们拥有主动权;我们想要保持主动权。
She was disappointed by his lack of initiative. 她对他缺乏主动性感到失望。
He believed in giving his staff scope for initiative. 他赞成给他的员工主动的机会。
He proposed a new diplomatic initiative to try to stop the war. 他提出了一个新的试图阻止战争的外交倡议。
State bureaucracies can tend to stifle enterprise and initiative. 国家官僚体制会压抑人的进取心和积极性。
It was up to the US to take the initiative in repairing relations. 在修复关系方面应由美国采取主动。
Women frequently say that they feel awkward taking the initiative in sex. 女性经常说她们觉得在性方面采取主动令人难为情。
The proposed initiative would mandate a reduction of carbon dioxide of 40%. 这个倡议将把二氧化碳排放量强制降低40%。
He's got no initiative in his work. 他在工作上没有主动性。
Such initiative is highly commendable. 这种积极性是很可贵的。
He displays great initiative in his work. 他工作很主动。
What do you plan to do for the Belt and Road Initiative? 对于“一带一路”倡议,你有何打算?
Belt and Road Initiative will have a very positive effect on the world. “一带一路”倡议将对世界产生非常积极的影响。
In this way they brought into full play the initiative, wisdom and power of the masses. 这样他们就使群众的积极性、智慧和力量都充分发挥出来。
Amorous initiative is firmly reserved to the man, who sets about courtship with a club. 多情的主动权牢牢地保留给这个男人,他开始奉承俱乐部。
Britain is expected to put forward a fresh initiative on reducing the debts of the poorest countries. 预计英国将提出一项减少最贫穷国家债务的新倡议。
Local police officer said beachgoers should not feel threatened by sharks because the fish never attack human beings on their own initiative. 当地警察称,沙滩游客无须担心受到鲨鱼的威胁,因为它们从不会主动攻击人类。
The Catholic Church soon launched a campaign against the initiative, helping force Ella Flagg Young, the superintendent of schools, to resign. 天主教会很快发起了一场反对这一倡议的运动,迫使学校负责人艾拉·弗拉格·杨辞职。
A new initiative was needed to break the logjam. 必须采取新的行动来打破僵局。
You won't get much help. You'll have to use your initiative. 你不会得到多少帮助的。你得自己想办法。
The community centre was set up under the auspices of a government initiative. 在政府的大力支持下社区中心建成了。
If they reject or ignore the initiative, the public will vote on it in November. 如果他们拒绝或无视公民立法提案程序,公众将于11月对它进行投票表决。
We are the only power willing to take the initiative in the long struggle to end the war. 在旨在结束战争的长期斗争中,我们是惟一愿意首先采取行动的国家。
The government must not use this initiative as a means of resolving the pension problem through the back door. 该政府绝不可使用这种方式,采取不正当的措施解决养老金问题。
It was set as an initiative by the UN in 2015. 它是联合国在2015年提出的一项倡议。
Over 100 countries and organizations have given warm support to the Belt and Road initiative since 2013. 2013年以来,100多个国家和组织积极支持“一带一路”倡议。
The Belt and Road initiative is really a good chance to let more and more foreign students study in our country. “一带一路”倡议确实是一个让越来越多的外国学生在我国学习的好机会。
Your boss proposes a new initiative you think won't work. 你的老板提出了一项你认为行不通的新计划。
The plan is an initiative funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. 该计划是一个由WilliamandFloraHewlett 基金会资助的新举措。[1]