photo autotroph 光能自养生物

facultative autotroph[生物] 兼性自养生物

obligate autotroph 绝对自营性植物 ; 专性自养生物

autotroph h 自养生物

photosynthetic autotroph 光合自养生物

chemosynthetic autotroph[微] 化能合成自养菌

photo-autotroph[生物] 光能自养生物

chemo-autotroph[生物] 化能自养生物

amino acid autotroph 氨基酸自养型[1]

The female gametophyte is reduced but larger than in angiosperms; it is not autotroph ic.裸子植物的雌配子体简化,但较被子植物体的体积大,不能自养。

The cell lost its autotroph ic character and became dependent on added chemical energy sources.细胞丧失了自养的特性,变成依赖于外加的化学能源生活。

Autotroph: an organism capable of synthesizing its own food from inorganic substances using light or chemical energy. green plants algae and certain bacteria are autotrophs.自养生物:一种能够从无机物质如光或化学能量中合成出自身食物的有机体。绿色植物,海藻及某些细菌都是自养生物。[1]

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