英 [ˌkrəʊməˈtɒgrəfi] 美 [ˌkroʊməˈtɑ;grəfi]


The extract is analyzed by means of gas-liquid chromatography.人们用气液态色谱法对提取物进行分析。

Fast analysis of perchlorate was carried out by ion-pair chromatography usin gasilica-based monolithic column and direct conductivity detection.研究了用硅胶整体柱和直接电导检测的离子对色谱快速分析高氯酸盐的方法。

This paper established a method of reversed phaseion pair chromatography for determination of melamine for industrial use.本文建立了用反相离子对色谱法测定工业三聚氰胺含量的方法。

A method was established to determine sulfon amides in eel muscle by post-column derivatization high performance liquid chromatography.建立了鳗鱼肌肉中磺胺类药物残留的高效液相色谱柱后衍生分析方法。

刚刚查询:chromatography Quantization SolidWorks Seminarium piedmont Carchesium Cisneros Stephane 盛宣怀 NGC 2479 Monterey Ɵ separate Shenzhen Electric academic 爱的赞礼 Orthodox postcode external ExcelVBA directed viewport Hohenems maxrnb Egnsplan superior Ashbrook Anjunabeats 都市小子猎艳实录 Montezuma Chebyshev Commander breviceps 通透性 taiwanica Pacific PSYCHOSIS Canseliet Florida cosplay customers variety subline Cantonese Chocolate Insight glOrtho Ry Cuming A.Plisson CWinApp Brenton energy. Merling welcome Longman Scholar Vantage 泉港刘氏古民居群 汽油机 战国策 金龙献瑞 2005.1.17 三维激光扫描仪 双刃英雄修改版 里奥哈龙 狐群狗党 肖像画家 Bourdonnais 漂白粉 自定义 革命派 haiyang Homodihydrocapsaicin 保罗·克洛岱尔 onino-skin Kensington
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