英 [ˌdʒɜːmɪˈneɪʃn] 美 [ˌdʒɜːrmɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n]

n. 发芽;发生;伟晶作用[1]

germination test [农学] 发芽试验 ; 发芽检验

germination percentage 发芽率 ; 萌发速率指数 ; 萌发率 ; 发芽率

Germination rate [农学] 发芽率 ; 萌发率 ; 萌发速率 ; 发芽速率

germination inhibitor 发芽抑制剂 ; 萌芽抑制因子 ; 萌发抑制作用

Pollen germination 花粉萌发装片 ; 花粉萌发 ; 花粉发芽

germination index 发芽指数 ; 萌发速率指数 ; 指数 ; 和发芽指数

tube germination [植] 管萌发

speed of germination 发芽速度

germination energy 发芽能量 ; 发芽势[1]

The poor germination of your seed could be because the soil was too cold. 你的种子发芽不好,可能是因为土壤太冷。

The shell somehow has to be broken down before this germination ability expires. 外壳必须在这种发芽能力失效之前被以某种方法破坏掉。

This is a simple adaptation to ensure that germination occurs following the winter conditions rather than immediately prior to their onset. 这是一种简单的适应方式,能确保它们在冬季过后发芽,而不是在此之前就早早发芽。

The pollen viability of Miscanthus sinensis was determined by in vitro pollen germination method. 采用离体花粉萌发法测定了芒豆的花粉活力。

Are commonly used in plant germination, seedling, tissue culture, microbial culture, insects, small animals, water decomposition of the BOD test and so on. 通常用于植物发芽、育苗、组织培养、微生物培养、昆虫、小动物的饲养,水体分解的BOD测定等等。

Sclerotia could germinate in 0.05% glucose solution, distilled water and water agar, and the germination percentage is the highest in 0.05% glucose solution. 菌核在0.05%葡萄糖溶液、蒸馏水、水琼脂上均可萌发,以0.05%葡萄糖溶液萌发最好。

The results indicated that. the protein contents of soybean and green bean after the germination are higher than it before, But the fat contents are reduced. 研究发现,经过发芽之后的大豆和绿豆蛋白质含量比未萌发时的蛋白质含量增加了,萌发的大豆和绿豆脂肪含量比未萌发时脂肪含量有所降低。

The pollen viability of Miscanthus sinensis was determined by in vitro pollen germination method, I2-KI staining method and FDA staining method, respectively. 采用离体萌发法、FDA染色法和I2-KI染色法测定芒离体花粉的生活力,并对测定效果进行比较。

A white colony mutant, 1-40-271, was normal in sporulation and spore germination, but defective in appressorium development and totally lost in pathogenicity. 突变体1-40-271菌落呈白色,产孢与萌发均正常,但萌发后即便在人工疏水表面上也不能形成附着胞,且丧失了致病性;

By the two pathway of inducing bud differentiation and wound, study on different plant growth regulator and concentration affect germination of explant and root. 通过诱导芽分化和诱导愈伤两种途径,研究不同植物生长调节剂及浓度,对外植体萌发和生根的影响。

Cauliflower acuteness wet wart is most common in clinic, damage began to topmost subacute papula, some were like papules occurred after germination, rapid growth. 菜花型尖锐湿疣在临床上最为常见,损害开始为顶端稍尖的丘疹,有的呈发芽状,丘疹发生后迅速增长。

Spring gis coming, all things recovery, willow twigs of already germination, the swallow flew back from the south, depression of the earth again full of vitality. 春天到了,万物复苏,杨柳的嫩枝已经发芽了,燕子从南方飞了回来,萧条的大地又开始充满生机。

When air temperatures rise, the mycelium will be the head slowly from the winter worm germination, grow grass like a normal child seat of fungi, known as summer grass. 而当气温回升后,菌丝体就会从冬虫的头部慢慢萌发,长出像草一般的真菌子座,称为夏草。

K2HPO4 showed no inhibition to the mycelial growth, but had some degree of inhibition to the spore germination, and the greater the density, the stronger the inhibition. 而K2HPO4对孢子萌发有一定的抑制作用,且浓度越大,抑制作用越强,但对病原菌菌丝生长没有影响。

There were obvious difference on drought resistance among the varieties, higher drought resistance varieties kept higher vigor of germination and germination (capacity). 但不同的玉米品种在抗旱性上存在极显著差异,抗旱性强的品种在水分胁迫下仍然保持较高的发芽势和发芽率。

As a possible peptide primary messenger, extracellular calmodulin (CaM) may regulate processes such as cell proliferation, pollen germination and expression of some genes. 细胞外钙调素可能作为多肽第一信使,调节细胞增殖、花粉萌发、特定基因表达等生理过程。

We wish to increase our knowledge of plant seed germination and anisotropic cell growth through understanding their action mechanisms of these novel active small molecules. 通过对这些新型活性小分子作用机理的研究,我们希望增加对植物种子萌发及细胞各向异性生长的知识。

A particularly fine spring came round, and the stir of germination was almost audible in the buds; it moved her, as it moved the wild animals, and made her passionate to go. 一个特别明媚的春天来到了,几乎听得见苞芽里生命的萌动;春天就像激励野外的动物一样激励了她,使她要急切离开这里。

This result also indicated that a low germination percentage standard for regeneration is disadvantageous for maintaining the genetic integrity of heterogeneous accessions. 该结果也从另一方面证明,对于异质种质材料,低的发芽率更新标准是不利于确保种质遗传完整性的维持。

The strategies for adaptation of halophytes to saline and arid environments during seed germination stage: (1) high salinity and temperature induce seeds to remain dormancy. 盐生植物种子萌发期间适应盐渍和干旱环境的策略表现在:(1)高盐和高温诱导种子休眠。

Delicate nature, less resistance, low output, the germination period before and after the spring equinox, and stop growing season after the frost year growth period 7 months. 天性娇弱,抗逆性较差,产量较低,萌芽期在春分前后,停止生长期在霜降前后,一年生长期7个月。

The germination potential and rate of germination are declined, the growth of embryo and radicle are inhibited with salt concentration increasing, though with some exception. 随着盐处理浓度增高,发芽率和发芽势呈下降趋势,胚芽、胚根的生长也受到抑制,但也有例外。

Both organic and inorganic pollutants could have detrimental effects on AM structure, formation and function, such as low spore germination, colonization rate, and hyphal growth. 大量研究表明,无论是有机污染物还是无机污染物,都会对AM的结构、形成和功能产生破坏性影响,主要表现在孢子萌发、侵染率、菌丝伸长受抑制等。

The variation of pollen vigor of Iris in the different storage conditions was studied and the germination and the growth of pollen tube in different temperatures were also studied. 主要研究鸢尾在不同贮藏条件下保存的花粉活力的变化,以及温度对花粉管萌发和生长的影响。

The experimental study on the impacts of CO2 concentration on plant seed germination percentage, germination energy and leaf structure is conducted by using OTC-1 Open Top Chambers. 利用OTC - 1型开顶式气室进行了CO2浓度对植物种子发芽率、发芽势以及叶片形态结构的影响试验研究。

Tests on spore germination indicated that the fermentation product of N18 had an inhabitation of 98.47% and 96.15% against Bipolaris sorokiniana and Cercospora sorghi, respectively. N18菌株发酵产物对小麦根腐病菌和玉米弯孢叶斑病菌的孢子萌发抑制率分别为98.47%和96.15%。

Pot and germination experiments were conducted to study the fractionation of cobalt element in calcareous soils and the effect of cobalt fertilizer on the growth and yield of tomato. 本试验通过盆栽试验和室内分析,研究了石灰性土壤中钴的形态分级状况和钴对番茄发芽、生长发育及产量的影响,为番茄高产高效提供理论依据。

By means of dividing nutrition flow using new shoot to repress germination of the fruiting sections, the developed fruiting branch sections have high quality and high and stable yield. 利用新生枣头分流营养,抑制枣股萌发,培养的结果枝组质量高,丰产稳产。[1]

刚刚查询:germination supplied 徐家河水库 ethylene 哲罗姆派修道院和里斯本贝莱姆塔 庐山会议 文亦韬 无名肿毒 不弯曲 郭建理 第一线 魏光新 �����ֳ� 比利时弗拉芒皇家爱乐乐团 正义战争 豹纹守宫 再结晶 北坞 伸长细胞 卡丹公式 电饭锅 ͷ߾ 易洛魁人 推而广之 结合体 沙井新义安 Campanulales 张天寿 塑料垫板 成人教育 有序化 不变化 凤冠孔雀雉 乔拉 覆盆子 约束力 玻璃化 继续性 洋葱面包条 teaspoon 地聚合物化学及应用 Gregory Michael 人机交互 次氯酸 瞬时值 自由行动 正六边形 形容词 传输线 粘结力 考古队 收缩性 阿久根市 主唱者 合众社 共同纲领 经济学家 气孢之眼 偶一为之 二项式 黎民百姓 灯笼洲 菲律宾人 冯铁山 牛头山 规范化 正处级 公共事务 玻璃状 派出机构 辐射能 穿透力 Զ Lorenzo 感业寺 伴随着 黎城四桥 盐酸盐 药物治疗 保时捷Carrera 4 GTS
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