stratigraphical paleontology 地层古生物学

stratigraphical throw 地层落差

stratigraphical time 含煤地层 ; 地层年代

sequence stratigraphical 层序地层

stratigraphical characteristics 地层特征

stratigraphical gap 地层间断

stratigraphical drilling 地层钻探

stratigraphical discordance 地层不整合

stratigraphical overlap 地层超覆[1]

Geochemical and stratigraphical studies suggest that the tectonic setting of the Gangdese region is depressional rifting to the northern margin of Gondwanaland.岩石地球化学示踪和地层学研究表明,冈底斯带石炭纪为伸展背景下的冈瓦纳陆缘裂陷环境。

Only by using stratigraphical and typological approaches in the continuous archaeological practice, can we establish an archaeological system with chinese characteristics.只有在不断地实践中,运用好地层学与形制学的方法,才能建立起有中国特色的考古学体系。

The fairly high similarity between this curve and other coeval curves sets up by some foreign scholars in other regions abroad, exhibits important stratigraphical significance.川黔地区晚古生代锶同位素曲线与国外学者公布的同时代锶同位素曲线特征极为相似,显示了在地层学上的重要意义。[1]

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