
Morning news the coffee's getting cold

Thursday again yeah this is getting old

The clock at work is always slowing down

My desk's a boat running aground

It's like just a number seven bus

Goes by and leaves me standing in the dust

I'm glad you're here to help me fill the years

But we both know we're going to tears

Give me a few silly Saturdays

I'll take the God it's finally Friday's

Or a lot of lazy Sundays

If we have a million more to go

Let's live them all and make them heydays then

Than just a bunch of Thursdays in a row

Oh oh oh ohh

Not a bunch of Thursdays no

Not a bunch of Thursdays in a row

Wanna feel that took you in a wheel

Inside a box where all the doors are sealed

I want my feet to dance on different ground

We'll get somewhere not sit around

Give me a few silly Saturdays

I'll take the God it's finally Friday's

Or a lot of lazy Sundays

If we have a million more to go

Let's live them all and make them heydays then

Than just a bunch of Thursdays in a row

Oh oh oh ohh

Not a bunch of Thursdays no

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