英 [ˈθɜːm(ə)l] 美 [ˈθɜːrm(ə)l]
adj. 热的,热量的;(衣服)保暖的,御寒的;(水)天然温热的;地热的,地温的(同 geothermal)
n. 上升的热气流;保暖衣服,保暖内衣(thermals); 上升的热气流
[ 复数 thermals ][1]
thermal power 火力;火力发电;热功率;热电站
thermal stability 热稳定性,耐热性;热稳性
thermal conductivity 导热系数;热导率
thermal insulation 隔热;绝热;热绝缘
thermal stress 热应力
thermal analysis 热分析;热学分析
thermal expansion 热膨胀
thermal power plant 火力发电厂;热电厂
thermal efficiency 热效率
thermal decomposition 热分解;热解
thermal shock 温度急增,热冲击
thermal energy 热能;温热热能法,热能专业
thermal resistance 热阻;热变电阻,热敏电阻
thermal deformation 热变形;热形变
thermal environment 热环境
thermal performance 热力性能
thermal fatigue 热疲劳
thermal comfort 热舒适,温暖;人的热舒适
thermal transfer 热转印;传热;热传递
thermal recovery 热回收[1]
He was found by a police helicopter using thermal imaging equipment. 他被一架警用直升飞机用热成像设备找到了。
Rescue teams are using thermal imaging to locate survivors of the earthquake. 救援队伍正利用热成像确定地震幸存者的位置。
For systems transforming solar to thermal energy, the thermal energy may be stored in matter as either latent heat or sensible heat. 对于将太阳能转化为热能的系统,热能可能以潜热或显热的形式存储在物质中。
France's tax on overnight stays was introduced to assist thermal spa towns to develop, and around half of the French local authorities use it today. 法国的热温泉城镇引入了过夜税以助力其发展。如今,大约一半的法国地方政府都实施了过夜税政策。
A new type of solar thermal system for homes that can provide heat, hot water, and electricity is being tested in Boulder, Colo., over the next few months. 未来几个月,科罗拉多州博尔德市将测试一种新型的家用太阳能热系统,该系统可以提供热量、热水和电力。
The robots are equipped with many sensors to identify conditions of the environment, using thermal and vision sensors that detect changes in body temperature. 这些机器人装备了许多传感器来识别环境条件,用热传感器和视觉传感器检测体温的变化。
The robots are equipped with many sensors to identify conditions of the environment, cattle and food, using thermal and vision sensors that detect changes in body temperature. 这些机器人配备了许多传感器,用于识别环境、家料和食物条件,使用热敏传感器、视觉传感器来检测体温变化。
In addition, it is likely that small live animals in the advected water might be killed or stunned by thermal and/or chemical shock, thereby contributing to the food supply of vents. 此外,喷出水体中的小型活体动物很可能被热冲击和/或化学冲击杀死或击昏,从而增加了喷口的食物供应。
My feet were like blocks of ice despite the thermal socks. 我的双脚尽管穿着保暖袜,还是像冰块。
Volcanic activity has created thermal springs and boiling mud pools. 火山活动产生了温泉和沸腾的泥浆池。
The tiny plant is known as the 'thermal water lily' because it was discovered growing in the muddy edges of a freshwater hot spring. 这种小植物的睡莲叶只有一厘米宽,因为它被发现生长在淡水温泉的泥泞边缘。
They are also called thermal chimneys or thermosiphons. 它们也被称为热烟囱或热虹吸管。
The atomic reactor generates enormous amounts of thermal energy. 原子反应堆发出大量的热能。
The thermal decomposition and detonation of lead azide crystals are studied. 研究了叠氮化铅晶体的热分解和爆炸过程。
The thermal conduction of a composite medium with variable thermal conductivities is discussed. 讨论了可变导热系数的复合介质的导热性。
Thermal Decomposition reaction kinetics of cerium carbonate was investigated with Netzsch thermal analyzer. 利用德国耐驰综合热分析仪对碳酸铈分解过程动力学进行了研究。
Or thermal damage to the bowel. 或者肠道的热损伤。
There's no excess thermal energy. 没有多余的热能。
The thermal power however is small. 然而热能还是很小的。
But the phenomenon is pressurised thermal shock. 但是现象是高压热冲击。
Will the potential for thermal cracking be reduced? 潜在的热裂解可能性是否降低了?
There's not nearly enough thermal energy to do that. 没有足够的热能使它如此。
There is thermal imaging that lets us see heat in color. 有种热像仪可以把热转化成色彩,我们就可以看到热了。
Because the energy is so tiny compared to the thermal energy. 因为相互作用能,相比于热能要小得多。
Indonesia is the world's largest exporter of thermal coal. 印尼是世界上最大的动力煤出口国。
They planed to go to a thermal spring the next day for a break. 他们计划着第二天去一个热的温泉休息休息。
Low, warm clouds emit more thermal energy than high, cold clouds. 低的暖云比高的冷云发射更多的热能。
There are fortified steel walls, audio sensors and thermal sensors. 里面是特别加固的墙壁,音频感应器和热能感应器。
The darker areas within Saturn show the strongest thermal radiation. 土星上比较黑暗的区域显示出最强烈的热辐射。
India could become the world's biggest thermal coal importer by 2015. 到2015年印度将成为世界最大的热能煤炭进口国。[1]