N a native or inhabitant of Flanders or a Flemish-speaking Belgian 佛兰芒人; 说佛兰芒语的比利时人 → compare Walloon[1]

Robert Fleming 弗莱明 ; 明集团 ; 佛莱明

Paul Fleming 弗莱明 ; 弗雷明 ; 馆的老板佛莱明 ; 费莱明

Vern Fleming 印第安纳 ; 弗莱明

Sam Fleming 弗莱明

Jane Fleming 弗莱明

Stephen Fleming 弗莱明 ; 费林明

Ambrose Fleming 明教授

George Fleming 乔治·弗莱明[1]

ACTUALLY, said Tom Fleming, my coach, it is unlikely that anyone can do it.


Fleming proceeded to isolate an extract from the mould, correctly identified it as being from the Penicillium genus, and therefore named the agent penicillin.


Yet despite Fleming's warning and despite a fair understanding of the causes of resistance and how they could be dealt with, dealing with them has proved elusive.


相关查询: Fleming
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