
newsreel /ˈnjuːzˌriːl/ CET6+ TEM8 ( newsreels )

1.N-COUNT A newsreel is a short film of national or international news events. In the past newsreels were made for showing in cinemas. 新闻影片 [oft N n][1]

Newsreel Film 新闻纪录影片

newsreel l 新闻片 ; 纪录片

The Newsreel 新闻短片

newsreel photography 新闻片摄影术

Place newsreel 地方新闻片

California Newsreel 出品公司 ; 发行公司

newsreel camera 新闻摄影机

Newsreel Announcer 大卫·凯耶 ; 您现在看到的是…文明的人类从未见过的视频片段

newsreel work 新闻摄影[1]

1A lovely vintage newsreel reported on the campaign.一部可爱的老新闻片报道了这场活动。

2I saw you stand beside the President in the newsreel.我在新闻片里看到你站在总裁的身旁。

3The newsreel almost finished when I got to the cinema.我到电影院时,新闻片差不多演完了。

4We saw you stand beside the President in the newsreel.我们在新闻片里看见你站在总裁的身旁。

5The film also made use of newsreel footage and vox pop.电影还利用了新闻片片段和街头采访的表现手法。

6The newsreel had almost finished when I got to the cinema.我到电影院时,新闻片差不多演完了。

7When I got to the cinema, the newsreel had almost finished.我到达电影院时,新闻影片已经快要结束了。

8The newsreel had almost finished when I went to the cinema.我到电影院的时候新闻片几乎要演完了。

9Would you like to see an old newsreel from the BBC archives?你想看英国广播公司档案资料的一部旧新闻纪录片吗?

10The newsreel people were there, taking pictures of the picket.新闻摄影记者也在那儿,给纠察队拍照。

11In your shadow grows the newsreel studio, lets me feel strange.» 在你的影子增长的纪录片工作室,让我觉得很奇怪。

12Which kind of movies do you like best, cartoon, comedy or newsreel?你最喜欢什么种类的电影, ± 动画片、 喜剧片还是新闻片?。

13Back then, you got a feature film, a cartoon, a serial, and a newsreel.那时的电影有故事片、卡通片、系列影片和新闻纪录片。

14Bell Laboratories and Western Electric introduced the Sound Newsreel Camera.贝尔实验室和西方电气公司联合推出同声新闻摄像机。

15Started from the newsreel, gradually to the documentary films narrative transformation.开始了从新闻片、专题片逐渐向纪录片叙事转型。

16The big problem right now with Newsreel is that you can't change the colors of the text.这个大问题,正确的,现在的新闻是,你不能改变颜色的文字。

17Once two indolent people in the seats next to theirs delayed them, and the newsreel started.一次坐在他们旁边的两个懒人让他们耽搁了一会儿,新闻短片开始了。

18Luftwaffe aircraft attacking US bombers over Germany - German newsreel in Dutch or Flemish?空军飞机攻击美国轰炸机在德国-德国新闻片在荷兰或佛兰芒语?

19Shorts now usually fall into one of the three categories: documentary, cartoon, or newsreel .现在的短片通常分为三类:记录片,动画片和新闻片。

20Though not technically visited in the course of the episode, images of Pantora appear during the newsreel narration.虽然严格说来我们没有在这一集中拜访潘托拉,但在旁白部分的短片中出现了潘托拉的图片。

21Felicia : And I think a lot of times watching these films is like watching a newsreel. They have this authenticity to them.我觉得看这类电影就像在观看新闻影片,因为它们的真实准确性。

22In addition to Ysaye Barnwell's new work, the Choral Arts Society's Tribute to Martin Luther King included a newsreel of Dr.除了塞也。巴恩·沃尔的新作品,马丁·卢瑟国王荣誉交响合唱会包括一个新闻短片——国王的“我有一个梦”演讲。

23I sought refuge in the cool dark of a newsreel theatre, where a tour DE force by Bugs Bunny and three Librium restored my nervous system to its usual timbre.我躲进一间放新闻纪录片的电影院,里面阴暗凉爽,卡通人物兔八哥的绝技表演和3颗利眠宁让我的神经系统恢复了常况。[1]

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