英 [ˌbaɪəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l] 美 [ˌbaɪəˈlɑːdʒɪk(ə)l]

adj. 生物的,生物学的,生命的;亲生的;含酶的;生化武器的

[ 复数 biologicals ][1]


biological /ˌbaɪəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ TEM4

1.ADJ Biological is used to describe processes and states that occur in the bodies and cells of living things. 与生命过程和状态有关的

2.biologically ADV 与生命过程和状态有关地

3.ADJ Biological is used to describe activities concerned with the study of living things. 生物学的 [ADJ n]

4.ADJ Biological weapons and biological warfare involve the use of bacteria or other living organisms in order to attack human beings, animals, or plants. 生物性的 (武器、战争)

5.ADJ Biological pest control is the use of bacteria or other living organisms in order to destroy other organisms which are harmful to plants or crops. (利用细菌或其他生物对有害生物进行) 生物控制的 [ADJ n]

6.ADJ A child's biological parents are the man and woman who caused him or her to be born, rather than other adults who raise him or her. (指父母亲) 生身的 [ADJ n][1]

biological characteristics 生物学特性

biological treatment 生物处理

biological activity 生物活性

biological engineering 生物工程;人工育种

biological diversity 生物多样性;生物差异

biological control 生物防治;生物控制

biological effect 生物效应

biological process 生物学过程;生化过程

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