英 [ˈɪndəstri] 美 [ˈɪndəstri]
n. 工业,生产制造;行业,产业;勤奋,勤劳;范围,领域
[ 复数 industries ][1]
industry and commerce 工商业
chemical industry 化学工业
manufacturing industry 制造业,制造工业
food industry 食品工业,食品产业
steel industry 钢铁工业;钢铁业;炼钢工业
information industry 信息产业;情报企业
automobile industry 汽车产业,汽车业;汽车工业
textile industry 纺织工业
power industry 电力工业
service industry 服务行业
coal industry 煤炭工业
mining industry [经]采矿工业
auto industry 汽车工业;汽车业;汽车行业
tourism industry 旅游业
light industry 轻工业
construction industry 建筑工业
petrochemical industry 石油化学工业
paper industry 造纸工业
pillar industry 支柱产业;主要工业
processing industry 加工工业[1]
1The industry is strictly regulated.这个行业有严格的管理。《牛津词典》
2The industry has slid into decline.这个行业已成衰退之势。《牛津词典》
3The industry is in terminal decline.这个行业每况愈下,一蹶不振。《牛津词典》
4Is the problem one that's industry-wide?这是全行业共同的问题吗?《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
5At that time the industry was floundering.那时这个行业举步维艰。《牛津词典》
6Barcelona is the locus of Spanish industry.巴塞罗那是西班牙工业的发源地。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
7The music industry is an incestuous business.音乐界是一个封闭的行业。《牛津词典》
8There is no quick fix for the steel industry.钢铁工业的问题没有即时解决的办法。《牛津词典》
9Inflation is rampant and industry in decline.通货膨胀肆虐,工业生产下降。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
10The strikes brought the industry to its knees.罢工使得这个行业陷入瘫痪。《牛津词典》
11Shares in the industry proved a poor investment.事实证明投资这个行业的股票是一个失败。《牛津词典》
12By the 1980s, the computer industry was booming.到20世纪80年代时,计算机行业迅猛发展。《牛津词典》
13The industry may have to slim down even further.这个行业可能还得进一步压缩。《牛津词典》
14Prolonged strike action debilitated the industry.长时间的罢工削弱了这个行业的活力。《牛津词典》
15The main purpose of industry is to create wealth.工业的主要宗旨是创造财富。《牛津词典》
16The college has strong links with local industry.这所学院同当地产业界有牢固的联系。《牛津词典》
17The truck industry is a benchmark for the economy.卡车产业是衡量经济发展的基准。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
18Cheap imports decimated the British cycle industry.廉价进口严重削弱了英国的自行车工业。《牛津词典》
19The industry needs more investment across the board.这一行业需要全面增加投资。《牛津词典》
20High interest rates have squeezed the industry hard.高利率使这个行业举步维艰。《牛津词典》
21Whale-watching has become a growth leisure industry.观鲸业已成为一个快速发展的休闲产业。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
22He doesn't invest in the arms industry on principle.他根据自己的信条,不投资军火工业。《牛津词典》
23The ivory industry employed about a thousand carvers.象牙工业雇佣了大约一千个雕刻工。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
24There is huge overcapacity in the world car industry.世界汽车工业存在巨大的生产能力过剩。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
25The committee includes representatives from industry.这个委员会包括产业界的代表。《牛津词典》
26They discussed the problems ailing the steel industry.他们讨论了困扰钢铁工业的问题。《牛津词典》
27Resistance to change has nearly destroyed the industry.对变革的抵制几乎毁了这个行业。《牛津词典》
28Heavy industry pollutes our rivers with noxious chemicals.重工业排放的有毒化学物质污染着我们的河流。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
29Men traditionally monopolized jobs in the printing industry.在传统上,男人包揽了印刷行业中的所有工作。《牛津词典》[1]