英 [ˌriːprəˈdʌktɪv] 美 [ˌriːprəˈdʌktɪv]
adj. 生殖的,繁殖的;翻印的,复制的[1]
reproductive /ˌriːprəˈdʌktɪv/
1.ADJ Reproductive processes and organs are concerned with the reproduction of living things. 生殖的; 繁殖的[1]
Reproductive Biology [遗] 生殖生物学 ; 繁殖生物学 ; 繁殖生物
Reproductive Medicine [生理] 生殖医学 ; 生殖健康 ; 殖医学
reproductive toxicity 生殖毒性 ; 再生毒性 ; 生殖毒性物质 ; 生殖毒
Assisted Reproductive Technology 辅助生殖技术 ; 人类辅助生殖技术 ; 辅助生育技术 ; 随着辅助生殖技术
Reproductive Health 生殖健康 ; 生育健康 ; 生理健康状况 ; 生殖保健
reproductive cycle 生殖循环 ; 婴儿潮
male reproductive system [基医] 男性生殖系统 ; 雄性生殖系统
reproductive system 生殖系统;繁殖方式
reproductive age 生育年龄
reproductive tract [医]生殖系统;[生]生殖系
reproductive cycle 生殖周期;生殖循环;再生循环
reproductive performance 繁殖性能;生殖能力
reproductive organ 生殖器;生殖器官
reproductive behavior 生殖行为,繁殖行为
reproductive isolation 生殖隔离[1]
Not all doctors truly understand the reproductive cycle. 并非所有的医生都完全地了解生育周期。
The choice of habitat seems to affect reproductive success. 栖息地的选择似乎会影响繁殖的成功率。
Dad, I need to memorize a unit about the reproductive cycle of plants. 爸爸,我需要记住一个关于植物繁殖周期的单元。
It does research on infectious diseases and reproductive health, and also provides services. 它研究传染病和繁殖健康,并提供服务。
But a preferred environment doesn't always seem to correlate with greater reproductive success. 但理想环境并不总与更大的繁殖成功相关。
It seems the reproductive system of man's best friend is one of the mysteries of modern science. 人类最好的朋友的生殖系统似乎是现代科学的一个未解之谜。
She suggests that humans have always tried to strengthen the pair bond to maximise reproductive success. 她指出,人类一直试图加强配偶之间的联系,最大限度地提高繁殖成功率。
If the group faces food scarcity, individuals in the group will reach reproductive maturity later than otherwise. 如果这个群体面临食物短缺的困难,那么这个群体中的个体将比其他群体更晚达到生殖成熟。
If the group faces excessive hunting, individuals that reach reproductive maturity earlier will come to predominate. 如果这个群体面临过度捕猎的问题,那么那些提早达到繁殖成熟的个体将占主导地位。
An individual's success in propagating his or her genes can be affected by more than just his or her own personal reproductive success. 一个人基因传播的成功不仅仅受到他/她个人繁殖成功的影响。
It is thought that being overweight may also increase the risk of cancer in the reproductive organs for women and in the prostate gland for men. 人们认为,超重还可能增加女性生殖器官和男性前列腺患癌的风险。
The ancestors of plants were photosynthetic single-celled organisms that gave rise to plants presumably lacked true roots, stems, leaves, and complex reproductive structures such as flowers. 植物的祖先是进行光合作用的单细胞生物,由此产生的植物可能缺乏真正的根、茎、叶和复杂的生殖结构,如花朵。
Tiny amounts of some hormones can modify our moods and our actions, our inclination to eat or drink, our aggressiveness or submissiveness, and our reproductive and parental behavior. 微量的一些激素可以改变我们的情绪和行为,我们的饮食倾向,我们的侵略性或顺从性,以及我们的繁衍和作为父母角色的行为。
Postzygotic reproductive isolation occurs by the inviability of the hybrid offspring. 合子后生殖分离是由杂种后代的无性繁殖而引起的。
The objective is to explore reproductive toxicity and mechanism of linuron on F1 male rats. 目的是探讨利谷隆对雄性仔鼠的生殖毒性及其作用机制。
The reproductive capacity has also been demonstrated in the naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber). 裸鼹鼠的生殖能力也得到了证实。
Resources are evenly allocated between reproductive and vegetative growth for Liriodendron chinense. 资源在鹅掌楸的营养生长和生殖两方面平衡分配。
Study on photoperiodic regulation of reproductive seasonality of Guangdong greylag geese. 研究了光照对广东灰鹅季节性繁殖活动和内分泌的调控。
Reproductive rights are really important. 生育能力真的很重要。
NO.1 - LONG-TERM REPRODUCTIVE health. 第一位- - -保持长期健康。
It can affect reproductive capacity later on. 以后也可能影响生殖能力。
That is a shutting down of their reproductive phase. 它们的生殖阶段完全停止下来。
The right to make free and responsible reproductive choices. 生育的责任自由选择权。
Men and women have different unconscious reproductive motives. 男女有着不同的无意识的生殖动机。
There is reproductive advantage in good motherhood, in other words. 换句话说,优良的母亲有利于生育繁殖。
TB ranks among the top three killers of women of reproductive age. 结核病是育龄妇女的三大致命疾病之一。
The exchange of saliva could provide a reproductive advantage for males. 双方交换唾液为男性提供了生殖优势。
Find out what steps you can take to keep your reproductive system healthy. 通过阅读这篇文章,找到适合你的办法,来保持您生殖系统的健康。[1]