英 [ˌsaʊθˈwest] 美 [ˌsaʊθˈwest]

n. 西南方

adj. 西南的

adv. 往西南;来自西南[1]

Southwest Airlines 西南航空 ; 西南航空公司 ; 美国西南航空公司 ; 美国西南航空

Southwest Islands 西南群岛

Southwest University 西南大学 ; 西南政法大学

South by Southwest 西南偏南 ; 西南偏南音乐节 ; 音乐节 ; 德州的地理位置

south-southwest 南西南 ; 西西南 ; 西东北

Southwest Cay 南子岛

Southwest China 西南地区 ; 中国西南

Southwest Chief 西南酋长号 ; 西南大酋长

Southwest Region 西南区 ; 西南地区 ; 西南大区 ; 与西南大区[1]

Then the southwest wind began to blow. 接着西南风开始刮起来了。

It's some 65 miles southwest of Houston. 它位于休斯敦西南方约六十五英里。

This southwest region of France is the home of claret. 法国西南部的这个地区是波尔多干红葡萄酒的产地。

They sped through the southwest with the law hot on their heels. 他们飞速穿越西南部,警察紧随其后。

Anecdotal evidence suggests that sales in the Southwest have slipped. 传闻的证据表明西南部的销售量有所下滑。

We took a plane southwest across the Anatolian plateau to Cappadocia. 我们乘飞机朝西南方,越过安纳托利亚高原,飞往卡帕多细亚。

The river flowed southwest to the Atlantic. 河水朝西南方向流入大西洋。

Shaoyang is in the southwest of Hunan province. 邵阳在湖南省的西南部。

Fifty five miles southwest! Well, maybe I won't go there this time. 西南方向55英里!好吧,也许这次我不会去那了。

It's about fifty-five miles southwest from here and the road is not at all straight. 它距离这里大约往西南55英里,而且路一点也不直。

Most of the rocks move in the same direction as the dominant wind pattern from southwest to northeast. 大部分岩石的运动方向与主导风向一致,从西南向东北。

Stonehenge is a megalithic monument on the Salisbury Plain in England, about 85 miles southwest of London. 巨石阵是英国索尔兹伯里平原上的一座巨石纪念碑,位于伦敦西南约85英里处。

Located in southwest China, Yunnan Province is a beautiful province bordering on Laos, Vietnam and Myanmar. 云南省位于中国西南部,是一个毗邻老挝,越南和缅甸的美丽省份。

Yunnan Province is located in southwest China, enjoying geographical proximity to Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam. 云南省地处中国西南部,地理上邻近缅甸、老挝和越南。

Unluckily, Xu became seriously ill during his last and longest journey, a 4-year trip through the Southwest of China. 不幸的是,徐在他最后也是最长的一次旅行中病倒了,这是他在中国西南地区进行的为期4年的旅行。

However, the emergence of a church form suited to life in the Southwest was rooted in something more fundamental than material and technique. 然而,适合西南地区生活的教会形式的出现植根于比物质和技术更基本的东西。

It is still unclear whether domesticated cattle were tamed independently in northern Africa or introduced to the continent from southwest Asia. 目前还不清楚驯化的牛是在北非独立驯化的,还是从西南亚引入非洲大陆的。

In Southwest France in the 1940's, playing children discovered Lascaux Grotto, a series of narrow cave chambers that contain huge prehistoric paintings of animals. 20世纪40年代,在法国西南部,玩耍的孩子们发现了拉斯科洞穴,这是一系列狭窄的洞穴洞穴,里面有巨大的史前动物壁画。

However, such deterministic arguments fail to acknowledge that local environmental variability in the Southwest makes generalizing about that environment difficult. 然而,这种决定性的论点没有承认,在西南地区的地方环境的变化使得对该环境进行概括是困难的。

Rather, they found that local areas experienced different patterns of rainfall, wind, and erosion, and that such conditions had prevailed in the Southwest for the last 1,400 years. 相反,他们发现局部地区经历了不同的降雨、风和侵蚀模式,在过去的1400年里,这样的条件在西南部普遍存在。

The mission churches share certain spatial qualities with the indigenous kiva, a round, partly subterranean room used by many Southwest Native American communities for important rituals. 这些教会与当地的地下礼堂在空间上有一些相似之处,许多西南地区的印第安人社区用它来举行重要的仪式。

In the Mesa Verde area of the ancient North American Southwest, living patterns changed in the thirteenth century, with large numbers of people moving into large communal dwellings called pueblos. 在古老的北美西南部的梅萨维德地区,人们的生活方式在十三世纪发生了变化,许多人搬进了被称为普韦布洛斯的大型公共住宅。

For example, the mission churches share certain spatial qualities with the indigenous kiva, a round, partly subterranean room used by many Southwest Native American communities for important rituals. 例如,这些教会与当地的kiva(一种圆形的地下房间)在空间上有一些相似之处,许多西南地区的印第安人社区用它来举行重要的仪式。

The ancestors of the modern Zuni and Hopi built and then, for reasons still mysterious, abandoned the complex roads and structures of the domain they ruled a millennium ago in the American southwest. 一千年前在美国西南部,现代祖尼人和霍皮人的祖先在他们统治的土地上修建了复杂的道路和建筑,后来由于一些不为人所知的原因,又遗弃了这些复杂的道路和建筑。

The house had a southwest aspect. 这房子为西南朝向。

Phillip taught English in Southwest University. 菲利普在西南大学教英语。

He graduated from the Southwest Agriculture College in 1953. 1953年他毕业于西南农学院。

The area covers 1,770 square kilometers. It's about 100 km southwest of Beijing. 该区占地1770平方公里。它在北京西南方向约100公里处。

Known as "Father of Hybrid Rice", Dr. Yuan graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953. 袁博士1953年毕业于西南农学院,被誉为“杂交水稻之父”。

Since he graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953, finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal. 自1953年毕业于西南农学院以来,寻找种出更多水稻的方法就一直是他的人生目标。[1]

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