
League Bowling联盟保龄球 ; 超级保龄球 ; 保龄球联盟 ; 同盟保龄球

bowling shoe保龄球鞋

bowling equipment保龄球设备 ; 保龄球球场设备

Bowling Ball保龄球 ; 保龄球室 ; 球馆配套荧光保龄球 ; 详细翻译

lawn bowling草地保龄球 ; 滚木球 ; 现了一种叫做庭木球 ; 英国有一种叫做庭木球

bowling master速玩保龄球 ; 保龄球游戏 ; 保龄球

Bowling Central保龄球中心

tenpin bowling十柱滚木球戏 ; 保龄球

bowling shirt滚木球戏运动衫[1]

1They go in for tennis and bowling.他们爱好打网球和保龄球。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

2I can't go bowling without you.我没办法不跟你一起去打保龄球。

3Why do you go bowling so often?你为什么那么频繁的去打保龄球呢?

4I went bowling this evening.今天晚上我去打保龄球了。

5Who did you go bowling with?你和谁一起去打保龄球了?

6Let's go bowling tomorrow.明天一起去打保龄球吧。

7Do you want to go bowling with us?你要不要和我们一起去打保龄球?

8They like playing tennis and bowling.他们爱打网球和保龄球。

9I thought we were going to go bowling!我以为我们要去打保龄球!

10Why don't we go bowling this afternoon?今天下午去打保龄球好吗?

11My hobby is bowling. Do you have a hobby?我的爱好是打保龄球,你有爱好吗?

12The children have a game of bowling every week.孩子们每一星期都玩一场保龄球。

13What's special for today, then, not bowling again.今天有什么节目啊,别再去打保龄球了。

14At least twice a month I go bowling with my friends.我和朋友打保龄球每月至少两次。

15If a gym isn't your scene, try bowling or an indoor climbing wall.如果你不喜欢去健身房,试试打保龄球或室内攀岩。

16Right after your evening meal, engage in some sort of physical activity—a sport such as bowling, perhaps.在你晚餐之后,参加一些体育活动,比如打保龄球。

17I go bowling for relaxation.我玩保龄球放松自己。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

18Soon we were bowling along the country roads.我们不久便在乡村的公路上疾驰了。《牛津词典》

19I can't see the point of bowling a ball like that.我不能理解那样的投球。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

20Much of the bowling today will be done by Phil Tufnell.大多数投球今天将由菲尔·塔夫内尔完成。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

21In any event, the bowling alley restaurant proved quite acceptable.不管怎样,那家保龄球馆的餐厅证明是很受欢迎的。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

22I prefer bowling to baseball.比起棒球,我更喜欢打保龄球。

23Bowling is an interesting sport for many Americans.对许多美国人来说,保龄球是一项有趣的运动。

24While at university, he had many hobbies, such as chess, tennis and bowling.在大学期间,他有众多爱好,比如象棋、网球和保龄球。

25When playing golf and bowling (保龄球), people need to wear special shoes.打高尔夫球和保龄球时要穿特制的鞋子。

26Golf shoes have sharp metal spikes (鞋钉), while bowling shoes have almost no spikes at all.高尔夫鞋有锋利的金属鞋钉,而保龄球鞋几乎一个鞋钉都没有。

27Besides looking silly, golf shoes and bowling shoes do not have soles (鞋底) that are fit for street use.除了外形滑稽外,由于鞋底的原因,高尔夫球鞋和保龄球鞋也不适合穿上街。

28My muscles are sore from bowling.我的肌肉由于打保龄球而酸痛。[1]

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