英 [ˌkəʊɪˈfɪʃ(ə)nt] 美 [ˌkoʊɪˈfɪʃ(ə)nt]

n. (数)系数;(物理)率,系数

[ 复数 coefficients ][1]

transfer coefficient 传送系数,转移系数

friction coefficient 磨擦系数

heat transfer coefficient [化]传热系数

correlation coefficient 相关系数;关联系数

diffusion coefficient 扩散系数;扩散率

expansion coefficient 膨胀系数,膨胀率;展开系数

temperature coefficient 温度系数

absorption coefficient 吸收系数

coefficient matrix 系数矩阵

coefficient of friction 摩擦系数;磨擦系数

weight coefficient 权重系数;加权因子

permeability coefficient 渗透系数;渗滤系数;透气系数;磁导系数

thermal expansion coefficient 热膨胀系数

coefficient of variation 变异系数;变动系数;变更系数

reflection coefficient 反射系数

mass transfer coefficient 传质系数;质量传递系数

pressure coefficient 压力系数

coupling coefficient 耦合系数

variation coefficient 变异系数,变差系数

resistance coefficient 阻抗系数;电阻系数[1]

Only teak matches oak's expansion coefficient and stays watertight. 只有柚木才能达到橡木的膨胀系数,并保持水密性。

The coefficient of compaction is 1.22 on the mechanical loader. 机械装载机的压实系数为1.22。

The coupling coefficient of transformer relates the transforming efficiency. 变压器的耦合系数与变压器的效率有关。

Of these tweets, I had a probability coefficient of 0.45. 通过这些推讯,Rhett得出一个概率系数0.45。

And this diffusion coefficient we'll define in a few moments. 这个扩散系数,我们一会就定义出来。

The most common measure of inequality is the Gini coefficient. 通常用来衡量不平等程度是使用基尼系数。

That should allow you to also calculate the friction coefficient. 你们同样可以,计算摩擦系数。

This is a way that you can measure the static friction coefficient. 这是测量静摩擦,系数的一种方法。

The classic tool for measuring inequality is the Gini coefficient. 用于衡量不平等程度的经典工具是基尼指数。

And we saw that, you saw that the Joule coefficient for an ideal gas was zero. 我们会发现,你们也会发现,理想气体的焦耳系数是零。

However, increasing the velocity at a given spin reduced the lift coefficient. 但是,旋转速度不变的情况下增加球速会降低升力系数。

I'll give you the Angle and I want you to calculate that friction coefficient. 我会读出角度,你们帮我计算摩擦系数。

Factors include good thermal coefficient matching and smooth substrate surfaces. 因素包括好的热系数匹配和光滑的底层表面。

This can be seen by the negative coefficient in front of the houseSize variable. 这可以从houseSize变量前面负的系数看出来。

I told you that the friction coefficient is independent of the mass of the object. 我讲过,摩擦系数,与物体质量无关。

But Brazil's Gini coefficient has fallen more than five points since 2000, to 0.55. 而巴西的基尼系数自2000年以来下降了超过5个百分点,至0.55。

The humidity could change in the room and that could change the friction coefficient. 室内的湿度会随时变化,这对摩擦系数影响很大。

America's Gini coefficient has risen from 0.34 in the 1980s to 0.38 in the mid-2000s. 美国的基尼系数已经从80年代的0.34上升到了2005年前后的0.38。

But now China is less equal than India, with a Gini coefficient of 0.4 to India's 0.37. 但是,中国如今还没有印度平等:中国的基尼系数是0.4,印度则是0.37。

In only one large country, Brazil, has the coefficient come down, from 0.59 to 0.55. 只有在一个大的国家,巴西,基尼系数从0.59下降到了0.55。

On another, the Gini coefficient, it was at its greatest in almost 50 years (see chart). 另一项数据显示,基尼指数达到最近50年来的最大值(见图表)。

Assuming that the amount of spin had not decayed too much, then the drag coefficient increased. 假设转速衰减很少,那么阻力系数增加。

It appears, however, that the "drag coefficient", CD, also depends on the velocity of the ball. 然而,阻力系数CD,也取决于球的速度。

The Gini coefficient measures the degree of polarisation of wealth and income in any given society. 基尼系数衡量一个给定社会财富及收入两级化的程度。

So, see, this coefficient becomes zero exactly when the line is perpendicular to the normal vector. 看到了吧,系数变为0了,当直线垂直于法向量的时候。

The coefficient Cs corresponds to the overall effectiveness of the organization in acquiring knowledge. 系数Cs对应组织在获取知识时的整体有效性。

It means energy is a product of a mass and a coefficient, energy and mass can be converted to one another. 也就是说能量等于质量乘一个系数,能量和质量是可以相互转化的。

Then product/market fit means something very specific: that the viral coefficient will be greater than one. 那么当产品切合市场需求,意味着:维里系数将大于1。

The classic tool for measuring inequality is the Gini coefficient. The higher it is, the less equal the society. 测量社会贫富均衡最典型的方法,就是吉尼系数(注四);吉尼系数如果越高,表示社会贫富越不均。[1]

刚刚查询:Coefficient ������ά 史轶蘩 粤来越开心 结合处 圈子里 虚无吞炎 Bacterium 地一大道 modekoimpress 说服性 一九八五年 贸易逆差 �ݹ������� 单季稻 万劫不复 七台河 妹妹等等我 大体相同 采油井 大幅度 幽灵潜艇 Dimethyl 童年时期 头等舱 蜂花檀香皂 自来水厂 秘书学 火电厂 身体上 挖泥机 长期性 田完祠 incessant Troides 希腊神话 宣传部 metamorphic Brochon 感染率 ˮ 网球手 大刀阔斧 北港溪 拿破仑 叫苦连天 启示录 意识到 迫在眉睫 不可理喻 silicula 甘肃省 狂草 马向景 RC5 Samsung+New+PC+Studio 日喀则市 据说在 护岸林 汇贤智库 猜不透 胶质芽孢杆菌菌 渡槽 Powderman 匍枝对丝藻 注入器 与其说 科尔沁 萨哈(雅库特)共和国 天人合一 超大屏 四面刨 孟大底鲨 执行官 国际标准 真情到永远 彻彻底底 返璞归真 被选为 涕泪交流
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