V to whip; scourge; flog 鞭打; 鞭笞
ADJ possessing one or more flagella 有鞭毛的
N a flagellate organism, esp any protozoan of the phylum Zoomastigina 鞭毛虫[1]
flagellate sperm 鞭毛精子
collared flagellate 具领鞭毛虫 ; 翻译
flagellate intestinal 肠道鞭毛虫
Flagellate spermatozoon 翻译
flagellate cell 鞭毛细胞
flagellate locomotion 鞭毛运动
heterokont flagellate 异形鞭毛的鞭毛虫
Flagellate group 鞭毛藻类
intestinal flagellate 翻译[1]
I admit I'm one of those people who tend to self-flagellate and istoo tethered to my to-do list, sometimes defeated by it.
Narcissists may deny their mistakes or flagellate themselves into a froth of self-pitying hatred, but they never laugh at their imperfections.
An obscure single-celled flagellate with a name like a character from an Asterix book - Trimastix - also turned out to have mitochondrial genes.