英 [kənˈveɪə(r)] 美 [kənˈveɪər]

n. 传送带,传送装置;传播者,传达者[1]

belt conveyor 皮带运输机,带式运输机

conveyor belt 传送带

scraper conveyor 刮板式运输机

screw conveyor 螺旋输送机

roller conveyor 滚筒(柱)式输送机;滚动传送机;辊子输送机

chain conveyor [机]链条输送机;链式传送机

conveyor chain 输送链;运送链

conveyor line 输送线

bucket conveyor [机械]斗式输送机

conveyor roller 运输机托辊;输送机滚筒

chain scraper conveyor 链板输送机

pneumatic conveyor 风力运输机;气力输送机;气两输送器

feed conveyor 饲料运送器

flight conveyor 链板传送带;刮板运输器;梯板运送机[1]

The damp bricks went along a conveyor belt into another shed to dry. 潮湿的砖块沿着传送带进入另一个棚子进行干燥。

Theoretically, this convection would carry the continental plates along as though they were on a conveyor belt. 从理论上讲,这种对流会把大陆板块带到一起,好像把它们放在传送带上一样。

Additionally, the temperature changes induced by a shutdown in the North Atlantic heat conveyor system are too small to explain the Younger Dryas. 此外,北大西洋热输送系统关闭所引起的温度变化太小,无法解释新仙女木天气。

Is the conveyor belt working? 传送带可以正常工作吗?

I see our bags on the conveyor belt. 我看见我们的包在传送带上了。

For Sushi Chain, Conveyor Belts Carry profit. 自动化传输带为寿司连锁店创造利润。

The loosened coal falls onto a conveyor for removal from the mine. 松脱的煤块落到传送带上,被运出矿井外。

E're faced with analyzing data as it passes by on a high-speed conveyor belt. 我们需要在高速传送带传送来数据后立即进行分析。

On average it takes 40 years for the conveyor belts to complete a circuit(see diagram). 平均来说,输送带每完成一次循环需要40年。

It also actively manages devices such as scanners, conveyor belts, diverters, and so on. 它还积极地管理扫描器、传送带、分流器等设备。

Everyone else took their luggage off the conveyor belt, but mine didn't seem to be there. 别人都从传送带上拿到了行李,但是我的好像不在那里。

They Bob merrily along for a couple of minutes before being collected by a conveyor belt. 甜甜圈欢快地冒泡,几分钟后又被放在了收集传送带上。

I saw the baggage conveyor at the baggage claim every time I traveled. Many people waited there. 每次旅行都能看见行李传送机前的人群,我也是其中一员。

Next the fish go onto a conveyor belt and the process speeds up as workers swiftly fillet the fish. 下面步骤的速度将被加快,鱼被放到传送带上,工人们快速地将鱼肉切片。

The boxes move down a conveyor belt and make their way to a loading area, where they are met by a robot. 这些大箱子继续被传送带运送到装运区域,在那儿有机器人在等待着它们。

There everything is automated and sorted on conveyor belts using barcode scanners and sophisticated lifts. 在那里一切都是自动化的,这里将使用条码扫描器和精密电梯,所有的分类都是通过自动输送带完成的。

It became cheaper still when, after 1906, they could be extruded by perforated conveyor belts a dozen at a time. 1906年,它们可以在有排孔的传送带上被压制生产,一次十二个,此后它变得更便宜。

Already, the skeleton of an enormous conveyor belt snakes out of the refinery and up to the foot of the mountain. 巨大传送带的架子已经从炼铝厂外面一路蜿蜒至大山的山脚。

The weighed and cut dough pieces are carried by the conveyor belt of the dough divider and is rounded with this machine. 过秤和分切之后的面块,有面团分切机的输送带传送,并由本机进行搓圆.

If so, it will be seen as a harbinger of a another horror: the prospect of a shutdown of the North Atlantic conveyor. 如果真是这样的话,这可能就是另一个可怕预言的先兆——北大西洋温盐环流将会消失。

Did you imagine a conveyor belt carrying live chickens into a giant machine, set to the classic cartoon theme "Powerhouse"? 你是否想象过这一幕:一条传送带载满扑腾着翅膀的活鸡,全部送进一个大机器里发电?这一幕常常是老式卡通片的的主题之一。

Click here for a summary of the importance of the Atlantic Conveyor, a critical component of the oceanic circulatory system. 点击这里看一份关于大西洋输送带重要性的概述。大西洋输送带是海洋循环系统的重要组成部分。

Diners use a touch panel to order soup and other side dishes, which are delivered to tables on special express conveyor belts. 用餐者利用一个触摸面板来点汤或其它的菜,这些食物再通过特殊的传送带送到餐桌。

The conveyor belt at the giant Avtovaz car factory, which produces the ubiquitous Lada, has spent much of this year motionless. 规模巨大的伏尔加汽车制造厂的产品包括随处可见的拉达轿车。 该厂装配线的传送带今年大多数时候都在趴窝。

I receive quizzical stares and more than a few raised eyebrows while unloading my cart onto the conveyor belt at the supermarket. 当我在超市里把我的购物车放到输送带上时,我会收到许多人探寻的注视。

In larger operations pigs move on conveyor systems through scalding tunnels and dehairing machines with rotating rubber fixtures. 大型屠宰场生猪都是通过传送系统,逐步经过热烫槽以及装有旋转橡胶刮片的脱毛机。[1]

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