
To my world of none-believers

To my nation of all my leaches

Everyone's scared

Everyone's scared

To my world of fake-believers

To my nation of all betrayers

Everyone's scared

Everyone's dead

We are the murderers now

We are the murderers now

You're dying slowly

We are the murderers now

We are the murderers now

You're all gonna get it

You're all gonna get it

To my world of anonymous haters

To my nation of the glamorous fakers

I know who you are

I know where you are

To the world of my ex-girlfriends

To the nation who prays for our end

You're wasting your time

You're wasting your time

No more trying

No more sacrifices for you

No more lying

I'm really getting fed up with you

I'll pack my stun gun

Guess I'm coming after you

We are the murderers now

We are the murderers now

You're dying slowly

We are the murderers now

We are the murderers now

You're all gonna get it

You're all gonna get it

All the spiders, all the bugs

They must be sterilized

We must be going crazy

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