英 [prəˈməʊʃ(ə)n] 美 [prəˈmoʊʃ(ə)n]

n. 提拔,晋升;促销,推销; 促进,提倡;(体育运动队的)晋级,升级;(为获利而举办的)体育赛事(尤指系列拳击赛);(化学)助催化

[ 复数 promotions ][1]


promotion /prəˈməʊʃən/ TEM4

1.N-VAR If you are given promotion or a promotion in your job, you are given a more important job or rank in the organization that you work for. 晋升

2.N-VAR A promotion is an attempt to make a product or event popular or successful, especially by advertising. 促销; 推广 [商业]

3.→ see also promote[1]

sales promotion 促销

health promotion 健康促进;养生、保健

website promotion 网站推广

investment promotion 促进投资

marketing promotion 市场推广;行销促进

trade promotion 贸易促进;商业促进;贸易推广

business promotion 业务促进;创办企业

sale promotion n. 推销;推销术

promotion policy [经]推销政策

export promotion 促进出口;出口鼓励

joint promotion 行销联盟

promotion code 优惠代码;促销代码;优惠券

promotion mix 促销组合;推广组合

promotion expenses 发起费用,推广费用;开办费

foreign trade promotion 促进对外贸易[1]

She's due for promotion soon. 她很快该晋升了。

Bang went my hopes of promotion. 我晋升的希望破灭了。

She works in sales and promotion. 她从事销售和推广工作。

She was done out of her promotion. 她受人算计而未获得提升。

Her promotion was a fix, I'm sure! 我肯定她的提升有内幕!

He's a prime candidate for promotion. 他是最有望获得晋升的人选。

The news of my promotion came as a shock. 我获晋升的消息着实让我一惊。

Not getting the promotion was a real downer. 未得到提升真让人很沮丧。

She could now discard all thought of promotion. 她现在可以打消晋升的念头了。

What are the prospects of promotion in this job? 做这份工作有多少晋升的机会?

Her promotion means she's $100 a week better off. 她的晋升意味着她每星期多挣100元。

I was told that I was being slated for promotion. 我听说,我被定为提升的人选。

We are doing a special promotion of Chilean wines. 我们正在进行智利葡萄酒特别促销活动。

I didn't think through the consequences of promotion. 我没有充分考虑到晋升带来的各种结果。

To gain a promotion, you might have to work overtime. 为了得到晋升,你可能得加班。

Well, you can kiss goodbye to your chances of promotion. 嗳,你就甭想晋升了。

The promotion he had been promised failed to materialize. 答应给他晋升的许诺未能实现。

The news of her promotion went over well with her colleagues. 她晋升的消息一传开,同事都为她高兴。

Advertising and promotion are what American business does best. 打广告和促销是美国企业做得最好的事情。

Celebrating a promotion, I took her to a posh hotel for a cocktail. 为庆祝晋升,我带她去了一家豪华酒店喝鸡尾酒。

At that time being a woman was a bar to promotion in most professions. 那时在大多数职业中,身为女性就是晋升的障碍。

Is his promotion evidence of the minorities' advance, or mere tokenism? 他的提升是证明了少数民族进步呢,还是仅仅只是装点门面而已?

The government has pledged to give the promotion of democracy higher priority. 政府已承诺要给民主的促进以更高的优先级。

She claimed she was repeatedly passed over for promotion while less experienced white male colleagues were made partners. 她声称多次升职都未被考虑,而那些比她资历差的白人男同事却已经晋升成为合伙人了。

They won't get the promotion opportunities. 他们不会有机会晋升的。

She is in line for promotion. 她有可能得到提升。

The new job is a promotion for him. 这一新职务对他是擢升。

She was marked out for early promotion. 她被选定要尽早得到擢升。

Her job offers very little scope for promotion. 干着那样的工作,她几乎没有机会得到提拔。

Should promotion be based on merit or seniority? 提拔一个人应当看业绩,还是看资历?[1]

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