英 [ˈkæpɪtəlɪzəm] 美 [ˈkæpɪtəlɪzəm]

n. 资本主义[1]

management capitalism 经理人资本主义化

Natural Capitalism 自然资本论

vestige of capitalism 资本主义残余

fetishism of capitalism 资本拜物教

br Economy of Capitalism 资本主义经济

w Marketing elfare capitalism 福利资本主义

global development of capitalism 全球资本主义化

new writing on developing capitalism 资政新篇

belonging to socialism or capitalism 姓社姓资

state capitalism 国家资本主义

monopoly capitalism 垄断资本主义

crony capitalism 裙带资本主义;权贵资本主义;唯亲资本主义[1]

He preached the virtues of capitalism to us. 他向我们宣扬资本主义的优点。

He rails against the iniquities of capitalism. 他谴责资本主义的种种罪恶。

We used to believe that capitalism would soon die out. 我们曾以为资本主义很快会消亡。

His article is, predictably, a scathing attack on capitalism. 可以预见,他的文章会是对资本主义的猛烈抨击。

Capitalism stresses innovation, competition and individualism. 资本主义强调的是创新、竞争和个人至上。

Their new manifesto hardly threatens to bring the whole edifice of capitalism crashing down. 他们新的宣言声称要摧毁整个资本主义大厦,这是不可能的。

The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system. 西方资本主义的扩张将第三世界纳入了一个剥削性的世界体系。

This has been dubbed "quarterly capitalism." 这被戏称为 “季度资本主义”。

Capitalism turned printing from an invention into an industry. 资本主义把印刷从一项发明变成了一个产业。

It is an ambitious attempt to blunt the sharpest edges of globalization, and make capitalism benign. 这是一次雄心勃勃的尝试,旨在钝化全球化最尖锐的“棱角”,使资本主义变得温和。

The champions of free-market capitalism promised their way of life would bring us freedom, but it wasn't freedom at all. 自由市场资本主义的拥护者们承诺,他们的生活方式将给我们带来自由——但这根本就不是自由。

Hard times continued to revive popular demands for regulating business and softening the harsh edges of laissez-faire capitalism. 艰难的时期继续恢复了人们对规范商业和缓和自由资本主义的尖锐的要求。

Soros has the advantage of an insider's knowledge of the workings of global capitalism, so his criticism is particularly pointed. 索罗斯拥有业内人士的优势,了解全球资本主义的运作,因此他的批评特别尖锐。

We face a probable future of nuclear-armed states warring over a scarcity of resources; and that scarcity is largely the consequence of capitalism itself. 我们所面对的未来,很可能是核武器大国为资源短缺而战;而这种短缺大部分是资本主义本身的结果。

The current generation of home-aloners came of age during Europe's shift from social democracy to the sharper, more individualistic climate of American-style capitalism. 现在这一代的独居者是在欧洲从社会民主主义向更尖锐、更个人主义的美国式资本主义倾向转变的过程中成长起来的。

Gompers' opposition to national health insurance was partly principled, arising from the premise that governments under capitalism invariably served employers', not workers', interests. Gompers反对国家医疗保险的部分原因是出于原则,其前提是,在资本主义制度下,政府总是服务于雇主的利益,而不是工人的利益。

Similarly, Louis Hartz, who sometimes disagreed with the Progressives, argued that Americans accepted laissez-faire capitalism without challenge because they lacked a feudal, precaptialist past. 同样,与进步派观点相左的路易斯·哈茨认为,美国人之所以能够毫无异议地接受自由放任的资本主义,是因为他们缺乏封建的、前资本主义的历史。

After all, the logic of capitalism is pretty clear. 毕竟资本的逻辑是很清楚的。

They talked about money, venture capitalism, the exchange rate. 她们谈论的都是金钱,风投,汇率。

Chris Anderson explains how this new paradigm reflects the inevitable course of capitalism. 克里斯·安德森(Chris Anderson)解释了这种新模式所反映出来不可避免的资本进程。

Now, however, the rules that have governed Asian capitalism for the past two decades are changing. 然而,这个曾经在过去二十年里管理着亚洲资本的游戏规则正在改变。

The notion of American farmers defying the tide of capitalism to grow their own fuel is a glorious delusion. 认为是美国农民的利益激起了资本家们纷纷投入到生产自己的燃料的事业的说法只是个华丽的幌子。

Banks are simply sitting on cash in spite of the taxpayer bailouts - an example of crony capitalism at its best. 银行才不管这是纳税人的救济,坐拥现金,最好的例子莫过于裙带资本。

How companies like Rino wormed their way into the temples of American capitalism is a story for these financial times. 有多少像绿诺科技一样的公司以他们的方式蠕行入美国资本殿堂,这样的一个个故事被金融时报报导。

In other countries family conglomerates have been merely a phase of capitalism, and have declined of their own accord. 在其他国家,家族企业只与资本挂钩,并自主走向衰败。

The madness of the system is reflected in the fact that capitalism produces for profit in the market not to meet needs. 这个体系的愚蠢也反映在在市场上资本家为了获取收益进行的生产与需求不一致。

But for the most part the Japanese have been less successful than the Europeans at adapting to entrepreneurial capitalism. 但在很大程度上,日本在引入创业精神上没有欧洲人成功。[1]

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