algebraic combinatorics 代数组合学

additive combinatorics 加性组合学

computational combinatorics[数] 计算组合数字

elemrntary combinatorics 基础组合数学

combinatorics enumeration 组合计数

combinatorics optimization 组合寻优

of Combinatorics 欧洲组合数学杂志

Introductory Combinatorics 组合数学

Kombinatorik combinatorics 组合学[1]

So it's a different kind of combinatorics problem that results. So, OK.那么结果是一类不同的组合问题,那么,好。

And now we have a combinatorics result that I think probably you're all familiar with from one context or another.现在我们有组合的结果,并且我认为你们或许都,对前后内容比较熟悉。

The mathematical content of this course involves some linear algebra, probability theory, algebra, combinatorics and topics from a variety of other fields.这门课程用的数学涉及到线性代数、机率论、代数、组合学和各式其他的相关领域。[1]

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