
英 [kəˈrəʊd] 美 [kəˈroʊd]

vt.& vi:使腐蚀,侵蚀

1He has devised a process for making gold wires which neither corrode nor oxidize.他发明了一种制造程序,使金线既不会腐蚀也不会氧化。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

2The tools will corrode with rust if never used.这些工具如果从不使用就会生锈。

3An iron tool, if never used, will corrode with rust.铁制工具长期不用会锈损。《新英汉大辞典》

4Acid causes metal to corrode.酸使金属腐蚀。

5This acid may corrode iron.这种酸能腐蚀铁。

6Threads can corrode and cause leakage.螺纹可能被腐蚀并导致泄露。

7And sulfates are known to corrode metals.已知硫酸和硫酸盐能腐蚀金属。

8It can also corrode and weaken the shell over time.而且时间长了也还腐蚀弱化龟壳。

9Steel does not corrode when embedded in concrete.一般情况下,钢筋在混凝土中不会腐蚀。

10What legacy of land and soul is destined to corrode?灵魂与国土那注定被腐蚀的遗物究竟是什么?

11A metal pipe buried in moist soil may corrode on the bottom.在潮湿土壤内埋设的金属管道可能在管道底部腐蚀。

12What if heat exchangers corrode letting sea water into the reactor?如果热交换器腐蚀了导致海水进入反应堆怎么办?

13It must not corrode metal fittings and interact with finish systems.它必须不腐蚀金属装置,不和涂料系统发生互相作用。

14Workplace bullying can corrode organisations and wreck individual lives.工作场所的欺凌会侵蚀组织结构并毁坏个人生活。

15In the grates below, the chemicals are hissing, beginning to corrode the pipe.在排水道中,化学反应发出嘶嘶声,化学品开始侵蚀管道。

16Crooked transactions corrode confidence, which hurts firms and investors alike.违规交易将有损市场信心,损坏公司和投资者的信心。

17The pottery does not corrode like metal and will not disintegrate like wood or cloth.陶器不会像金属那样被腐蚀,也不会像木材或者衣物那样被腐坏。

18When used ensure that water will not become trapped and corrode the commodity and ensure当使用了热收缩膜,要确保不会发生积水并腐蚀货物,要遵守所有生产商的建议。

19The metal with a lower potential in the galvanic cell will be anodic and will corrode.原电池中具备较低电势的金属是阳极的而且会受到腐蚀。

20The chloride containing in sea sand can corrode rebar in concrete and destroy building.但海砂中含有氯盐,能引起混凝土中钢筋腐蚀,破坏建筑物。

21These debts corrode your life as it's happening. And no bailout later in life can reverse time.这些债务一旦发生将会腐蚀你的生活,而且没有什么能够逆转你的人生。

22The anode is usually the metal to be plated (assuming that the metal will corrode in the electrolyte).阳极通常为被镀金属(假定该金属能在电解液中腐蚀)。

23It may take years, but steel components that come in continuous contact with ethanol will eventually corrode.但是钢铁部件由于长久地和乙醇接触,几年后最终会腐朽。

24The subway dispersed current can corrode the main body reinforcing steel bars and other stal components of subway.地铁迷流对地铁主体结构钢筋和其他金属构件有腐蚀作用。

25Sucre asks if they’re still going through the infirmary, but Michael says he can’t corrode the pipe in the grate again.Sucre问是否他们还是通过医务室出去,Michael说他不能再腐蚀医务室的下水管道了,会引起疑心的。

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