
physiological need 生理需要 ; 生存需要 ; 生理需求 ; 生理的需求

physiological saline 生理盐水 ; 生理盐溶液 ; 生理食盐水

physiological status 生理状态;生理状况

Physiological dependence 生理依赖 ; 身体依赖 ; 生理依赖性

physiological limit [生理] 生理极限 ; 生理界限值

physiological drought [植保] 生理干旱 ; 心理干旱

physiological chemistry [生理] 生理化学 ; 生物化学

physiological mechanism 生理机制 ; 生理机理

physiological scotoma 生理暗点 ; 生理盲点[1]

For example, all human physiological function is a vehicle of our consciousness, as a carrier to be there is the need for certain conditions.


Since there is still some uncertainty about the physiological interpretation of these determinations, we need not be concerned here with the details.


Their study clearly illustrates the importance of how you interpret your physiological states, which themselves form an important component of your emotions.


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