这个程序是实现一个目标:扩大弗吉尼亚州的诺福克,艺术中心,著名艺术家社区,在空间,时间和功能! 下面是我们的意思是:通过注册和下载的应用程序,你将有机会获得一个专门的移动平台,这使得您很容易: 寻找艺术家深入的背景信息 见自己的作品图片 观看短视频介绍中心和艺术家 获得最新的新闻和事件 中心的事件日历 发表你自己的图片和评论 “检查”自己,并找到你的朋友都在做同样的 赞助商的慷慨支持,建有艺术中心的应用程序,你会发现更多关于他们通过应用程序。 This app is about accomplishing one objective: Expanding d’Art Center, Norfolk, Virginia’s leading artist community, in space, time and functionality! Here’s what we mean: By registering and downloading the app you’ll have access to a dedicated mobile platform which easily allows you to: Find in-depth background information on the artists See pictures of their works Watch short video introductions of the Center and the artists Gain access to latest news and happenings View the Center’s event calendar Post your own pictures and comments “Check in” yourself and find where your friends are doing the same The d’Art Center's app was built with the generous support of sponsors and you'll find out more about them through the app.[1]