英 [haɪˈpɒθəsɪs] 美 [haɪˈpɑːθəsɪs]

n. 假说,假设;(凭空的)猜想,猜测;前提

[ 复数 hypotheses ][1]

hypothesis testing 假设检验;假设测算

hypothesis test 假设检验

efficient market hypothesis 有效市场假说;有效率市场假说

null hypothesis 零假设;虚假设;解消假设

riemann hypothesis 黎曼假设(等于黎曼猜想)

working hypothesis 作业假说,工作假说

efficient markets hypothesis 有效市场假说

Gaia hypothesis 盖亚假说 ; 盖娅假说 ; 盖阿假说 ; 盖雅假说

continuum hypothesis [数] 连续统假设 ; 连续性假定 ; 连续介质假设 ; 连续性假说

alternative hypothesis [数] 备择假设 ; 对立假设 ; [数] 择一假设 ; 另一假设

ergodic hypothesis 遍历假设 ; [数] 遍历假说 ; 脯历经假说 ; 各态历经假说

Hygiene hypothesis 卫生假说 ; 卫生假设理论 ; 卫生假设 ; 卫生学说

input hypothesis 输入假说 ; 输入假设 ; 输入假设理论 ; 语言输入说[1]

Work will now begin to test the hypothesis in rats. 在老鼠身上验证这一假设的工作现在要开始了。

The statistics to prove or disprove his hypothesis will take years to collect. 要花数年来收集证实或推翻他的假设的数据。

Galileo proposed a new hypothesis. 伽利略提出了一种新的假设。

Each hypothesis has its difficulties. 每种假设都有其困难。

The time had come to formulate a hypothesis. 现在到了提出假设的时候。

Fortunately, the collision hypothesis is testable. 幸运的是,碰撞假说是可验证的。

Cold-blooded animals were used to test this hypothesis. 冷血动物被用来验证这一假设。

The hypothesis will need to be thoroughly tested, however. 然而,这一假设还需要全面的验证。

Does their hypothesis behind the test apply in every case? 他们的假设是否适用于所有情况?

His fourth hypothesis is the comprehensible input hypothesis. 他的第四个假说是可理解的输入假说。

There is a third movement the hypothesis covers called precession. 这个假说所包括的第三种运动叫作岁差。

I am wondering, can the flexibility hypothesis really explain that? 我在想,灵活性假说真的能解释这个吗?

However, the discontinuity hypothesis can pose problems of its own. 然而,不连续性假说本身也会带来问题。

Every hunch led to a blind alley and every hypothesis to a dead end. 每一次直觉都是死路一条,每一次假设都是死胡同。

One of the attractions of this hypothesis is its broad applicability. 这一假设的吸引力之一是其广泛的适用性。

Many women, according to this hypothesis, would rather work than marry. 根据这一假设,许多妇女宁愿工作也不愿结婚。

Actually, that's something the flexibility hypothesis explains very well. 实际上,灵活性假说很好地解释了这一点。

This hypothesis makes intuitive sense, but certain aspects are troubling. 这种假设从直觉上讲是有道理的,但某些方面令人不安。

This hypothesis is based on the direction the Americas are moving in now. 这一假设的提出是基于美洲目前的发展方向。

The second movement involved in the hypothesis has to do with axial tilt. 假设中涉及的第二个运动与轴向倾斜有关。

The mass extinction would have occurred very suddenly under this hypothesis. 在这种假设下,大灭绝的发生是非常突然的。

The first hypothesis is the acquisition and learning distinction hypothesis. 第一个假设是习得和学习差异的假设。

Even more, the "bilingual advantage hypothesis" is being challenged once again. 更重要的是,“双语优势假说”再次受到挑战。

The third hypothesis is the monitor hypothesis, which is central to his theory. 第三个假说是监督假说,这是他理论的核心。

The Clarks' hypothesis, if correct, means tropical forests would shrink over time. 如果克拉克的假设是正确的,这就意味着热带森林会随着时间的推移而缩小。

There is a hypothesis that we sleep so that our brain can repair and refresh itself. 有一种假设是,我们睡觉是为了让大脑自我修复和更新。

This notion, the flexibility hypothesis, many of my colleagues find it quite persuasive. 这个概念,也就是灵活性假说,我的很多同事都觉得它很有说服力。

You'll just need to answer a few specific questions: What was the researchers' hypothesis? 你只需要回答几个具体的问题:研究人员的假设是什么?

A recent discovery that asteroids are highly porous makes Rubin's hypothesis more plausible. 最近的一项发现表明小行星非常多孔,这使得鲁宾的假设更加可信。

That hypothesis makes a lot of sense, maybe the most sense of all the theories we read about. 这个假设很有意义,可能是我们读过的所有理论中最有意义的。[1]

最新查询:被击中的旗手 影视后期制作 资产阶级革命 甜甜的 连皮带肉 十一岁 国民生产总值 卫生防护 能源供应 propagation 证交所 Pallacanestro 矿化度 天一阁 意思是 牺牲品 无意义 天主教 Asturias 尘柄 采矿区 三江自然村 九味元浆 中国特色 认为是 继续性 放射虫 丹麦戏剧 Henepola 另一种 最高奖 解放初 Polygonum 女诗人 博Ⅲ优273水稻 support 人民共和国 阿尔·卡彭 hormesis Alexander- 执法天使 莜面囤囤 年轻有为 四年制 上战场 全反射 公元855年 老爷子 上前线 Freemasonry 段祺瑞 大阳山 换言之 公民权利 非金属性 逃之夭夭 水力学 捕人藤 电热膜 纵力教育 法规性 食品级 韩国中小企业银行 楚河汉界 被压迫民族 工商管理 进球数 ˫ 扬声器 芭蕉谷 测绘局 摩利支天咒 Rami 13576.1 大将军 ilisome 类似于 北部地区 北大荒 hypothesis
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