英 [ˌbaɪəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l] 美 [ˌbaɪəˈlɑːdʒɪk(ə)l]

adj. 生物的,生物学的,生命的;亲生的;含酶的;生化武器的

[ 复数 biologicals ][1]

biological characteristics 生物学特性

biological treatment 生物处理

biological activity 生物活性

biological engineering 生物工程;人工育种

biological diversity 生物多样性;生物差异

biological control 生物防治;生物控制

biological effect 生物效应

biological process 生物学过程;生化过程

biological system [计]生物系统

biological clock 生物钟

biological oxidation 生物氧化

biological mother 生母;亲生母亲

biological information 生物信息

biological product 生物制品;生物制剂

biological sample 生物标本;生物样品

biological weapon 生物武器,细菌武器

biological nitrogen fixation 生物固氮;生物固氮酌;生物固氮作用

biological indicator 指示剂;指示生物;生物学指标

biological chemistry 生物化学

biological father 生父[1]

1Many biological processes are controlled by hormones.许多生物变化过程都是由激素控制的。《牛津词典》

2Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution.达尔文最终提出了一套生物进化的理论模式。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

3Biological systems have been doing this for billions of years.生物系统亿万年来都在这样做。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

4For women, the biological clock governs the time for having children.对于女性,生物钟控制着孕育子女的时间。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

5To see the problem here more clearly, let's look at a different biological system, say, an acorn.为了把这里的问题看得更清楚,让我们看一种不同的生物系统,比如说,橡实。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

6Eugenics has a biological significance.优生学具有生物学上的意义。《新英汉大辞典》

7There is a biological rhythm for learning.学习是有生物节律的。

8Their invention is a small biological circuit they call E-Kaia.他们发明了一种叫做 E-Kaia 的小型生物电路。

9How can biological indicators show the opposite of economic indicators?生物指标怎么能与经济指标背道而驰呢?

10Such a perspective fundamentally changes our view of biological evolution.这种观点从根本上改变了我们对生物进化的看法。

11Looking at the basic biological systems, the world is not doing very well.地球在基础的生物系统方面的状况并不是很乐观。

12It is not, in principle, necessary for a biological system to age and die.原则上来说,生物系统的衰老和死亡都不是必然的。

13Are some of these differences biological and inborn, a result of evolution?这些差异有的是生物性的,有的是天生的,是进化的结果吗?

14Indeed, stability of the biological clock's period is one of its major features.的确,生物钟周期的稳定性是它的主要特征之一。

15Numerous biological structures and chemicals appear to be involved in aggression.攻击行为似乎与许多生物结构和化学物质有关。

16Once a biological control agent is released, it is difficult to control its speed.一旦实施了生物控制手段,它的速度就很难控制。

17Legal consequences of attempts at biological control present a potential minefield.尝试进行生物防治的法律后果是一个潜在的雷区。

18A prevalence of left-handed amino acids would indicate they were biological in origin.如果左旋氨基酸占大多数的话,就说明这些氨基酸从根源上来说是具有生物性的。

19A DNA test was carried out to compare Fu Gui's biological information with his parents.一项 DNA 检测将付贵的生物信息与他的父母进行了比对。

20This meant that some sort of biological clock was operating—and a very precise clock at that.这意味着某种生物钟正在运作——而且是一个非常精确的生物钟。

21There is a biological rhythm for learning, though it affects different people in different ways.学习是有生物节律的,尽管它对不同的人造成影响的方式不同。

22How effectively biological control can be pressed into service is proved by the following examples.下面的例子证明了生物防治如何能有效地投入使用。

23Following your biological rhythms and have a good rest, which can help you have a better performance.遵循自己的生物钟,好好休息,这样才能表现更佳。

24The people who want to enter medical schools are rated on reasoning, physical and biological sciences.想要考医学院的人要在推理、物理和生物科学这些方面进行测试。

25We think our perceptions of the world are real, but they are only biological and electrical rumblings.我们认为我们对世界的感知是真实的,但它们只是生物和电器的声音。

26Last week, the group of scientists said they had found important biological qualities in some bat species.上周,这组科学家表示,他们在一些蝙蝠物种中发现了重要的生物特性。

27War may be a natural expression of biological instincts and drives toward aggression in the human species.在人类物种中,战争可能是生物本能和侵略冲动的自然表现。

28Today, the mainstream belief among scientists is that race is a social construct without biological meaning.今天,科学家们的主流观点是,种族是一种没有生物学意义的社会结构。

29Work has begun to determine the feasibility of using insects as biological controls, but effective biological controls are considered years away.人们已经开始努力确定使用昆虫作为生物控制手段的可行性,但仍认为有效的生物控制手段还需要数年时间。

30Most young women feel a biological need to procreate.大多数年轻妇女觉得生儿育女是一种生理需要。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》[1]

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