Enterococcus faecium 屎肠球菌 ; 肠球菌 ; 粪肠球菌 ; 乳酸肠球菌

Enterococcus faecalis 粪肠球菌 ; 乳酸球菌 ; 乳酸菌

enterococcus gallinarum 鹑鸡肠球菌 ; 肠球菌 ; 母鸡肠球菌 ; 鹑

Enterococcus seriolicida 肠球菌

Enterococcus faecali 粪肠球菌

enterococcus counts 肠球菌计数

enterococcus casseliflavus 铅黄肠球菌

enterococcus isolates 肠球菌

swine Enterococcus 猪肠球菌[1]

Computer artwork of Enterococcus faecalis bacteria.


The objective is to investigate the effect of enterococcus faecium granules.


Take Enterococcus faecalis: on the conventional farms 67 percent were resistant to the antibiotic erythromycin while only 18 percent were on the newly organic farms.


相关查询: Enterococcus
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