英 [ɪkˈstenʃ(ə)n] 美 [ɪkˈstenʃ(ə)n]

n. 延伸,扩展;展期,延长期;扩建部分,延伸部分;(电话)分机;扩展名;(为非全日制学生开设的)进修部;牵伸(术);外延;广延(性)

[ 复数 extensions ][1]

brand extension 品牌延伸

by extension 相关地;引申开来

extension service 推广服务

crack extension 裂纹扩展;裂纹扩张

extension set 分机;增设装置

research and extension 研究与推广

extension number 分机号码

extension of time 延期;延长时间;延长合约期

file extension 文件扩展名;档案延伸

extension methods 扩展方法

university extension 大学附校;大学推广教育

extension spring 拉簧;牵簧,牵引簧;拉伸弹簧

extension line 延长线;分机线;引出线

time extension 时间延长

credit extension 援权(信用状期限延长)

extension cord 延长线;分机线绳

hair extension 接发

elastic extension 弹性伸长;弹性延伸

extension telephone 电话分机[1]

1He's been granted an extension of the contract for another year.他的合同获得延期一年。《牛津词典》

2He will appeal to the state for an extension of unemployment benefits.他将呼吁国家延长失业救济。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

3Our host ran a long extension cord out from the house and set up a screen and a projector.我们的主人从那所房子里牵出了一条长的延长导线,安置了一块屏幕和一个投影仪。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

4It is also required an extension to your visa.你的签证也需要延期。

5Test takers with disabilities may request a time extension.残疾考生可要求延长考试时间。

6The extension of London's Ulez will arouse strong resistance.扩大伦敦的超低排放区会引起强烈反对。

7Temporary extension of two years will guarantee scientists enough time.暂时延长两年将保证科学家有足够的时间。

8Enraged by Entergy's behavior, the Vermont Senate voted 26 to 4 last year against allowing an extension.被安特吉的行为激怒的佛蒙特州参议院去年以26票对4票反对延长该法案。

9In 2006, the state went a step further, requiring that any extension of the plant's license be subject to Vermont legislature's approval.2006年,政府更进一步要求所有工厂许可证的延期都必须经过佛蒙特州立法机构的批准。

10In America, copyright holders get 95 years' protection as a result of an extension granted in 1998, derided by critics as the "Mickey Mouse Protection Act".在1998年,美国通过的一项法案,版权拥有者保护期延长为95年,批评者讽刺这部法为“米老鼠保护法”。

11Because the midpoint of the Medieval Warm Period was about 850, an extension of Bond's cycles would place the midpoint of the next warm interval in the twenty-fourth century.由于中世纪温暖期的中点约为850年,因此邦德循环的延长将使下一个温暖间隔的中点出现在二十四世纪。

12They've built an extension on.他们进行了一项扩建。《牛津词典》

13What's your extension number?你的分机号码是多少?《牛津词典》

14She can get me on extension 308.她可以通过分机308找到我。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

15Can I have extension 4332 please?请接4332号分机。《牛津词典》

16She's on extension 2401.她的分机号是2401。《牛津词典》

17We have an extension in the bedroom.我们的卧室里有一个分机。《牛津词典》

18My extension is two four double 0 (2400).我的分机号是2400。《牛津词典》

19You can reach me at 637-2335, extension 354.你可以打637‐2335这个电话号码,转分机354,与我联系。《牛津词典》

20That extension is busy right now. Can you hold?分机现在占线。您能等一会吗?《牛津词典》

21The extension of the subway will take several months.扩建地铁需用几个月时间。《牛津词典》

22Many Filipinos see the bases as an extension of American colonial rule.许多菲律宾人把这些基地看作是美国殖民统治的延展。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

23The blame lies with the teachers and, by extension, with the Education Service.应受指责的是教师,再则就是教育机构。《牛津词典》

24We are thinking of having an extension built, as we now require an extra bedroom.我们正在考虑扩建房屋,因为我们现在需要多一间卧室。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

25When applying for a visa extension state simply and clearly the reasons why you need an extension.申请签证续签时,简单明了地陈述你需要延期的理由。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

26He first entered the country on a six-month visa, and was given a further extension of six months.他最初凭有效期为6个月的签证进入这个国家,之后又得到了6个月的续签。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

27Now, I'd like to touch briefly on extension and compression.现在,我来简单地提及一下拉张与挤压。

28You don't need to restart the browser after installing an extension.安装完扩展之后,你不用重启浏览器。

29Virgin America sees online communities as a "natural extension of our brand".美国维珍航空公司视在线社区为“我们品牌的自然扩张”。

30Virgin America sees online communities as a "natural extension of our brand".美国维珍航空公司视在线社区为“我们品牌的自然扩张”。[1]

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