Radisson Kitchener 基奇纳丽笙酒店

Lord Kitchener 基钦纳勋爵 ; 基奇纳勋爵

Kitchener downtown 到达地点

Kitchener island 基奇纳岛

Kitchener Motel 基奇纳汽车旅馆

South Kitchener 邻里

Kitchener stitch 全下针的段对段缝合 ; 平针隐形[1]

Famous British generals, such as Lord Kitchener and Lord Baden-Powell preferred the lightweight cotton of trench coats to the heavier, rubberised Macintoshes they had been used to.比起他们曾经习惯的更为笨重的胶布雨衣,那些著名的英国军官们,如基钦纳勋爵和巴登–鲍威尔勋爵,更偏爱这种风雨衣的轻便棉质布料。

In the same article, Karon Kitchener explained that an injectable water-based filler treatment she had to enhance her cheeks had left her with a moving layer of custard under the skin.在同一篇文章里,卡隆·基奇纳说,她进行了可注射水基填料治疗,然后发现“皮肤下有一层移动的蛋糕状硬块。”

According to Canada's Record, when Bieber arrived at the Fairview Park Mall in Kitchener, Ontario, the day after Christmas, he couldn't fly under the radar while trying to shop.根据加拿大的官方记录,当贾斯丁·比伯来到安大略省基奇纳市的锦绣花园商场时,他基本上已经插翅难飞了。[1]

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