英 [ˈʃʌt(ə)l] 美 [ˈʃʌt(ə)l]

n. 航天飞机(space shuttle 的简称);往返于两地的交通工具,摆渡车;(英法之间英吉利海峡隧道的)穿梭火车(the Shuttle);(织机的)梭子;羽毛球(shuttlecock 的简称)

v. 穿梭,往返;穿梭运送

[ 复数 shuttles 第三人称单数 shuttles 现在分词 shuttling 过去式 shuttled 过去分词 shuttled ][1]

space shuttle 航天飞机(往返于地球和太空站之间运载人和物资的)

shuttle bus 班车(在较短距离之间往返的交通车);豪华轿车

shuttle loom 梭织机;有梭织机

shuttle service 短程运输;往返大巴服务;区间飞航

shuttle kiln 梭式窑;台车窑

shuttle car 穿梭式矿车;梭车;往返架车

Shuttle Carrier Aircraft 航天飞机运输飞机 ; 航天飞机搭载机

Shuttle train 穿梭列车 ; 短程火车 ; 短程往返火车 ; 短程列车

Airports shuttle 机场班车 ; 机场公交车[1]

The space shuttle Atlantis returned safely to Earth today. 亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机今天安全返回地球。

The space shuttle had been scheduled to blast off at 04:38. 这架航天飞机计划于04:38发射升空。

The countdown has begun for the launch of the space shuttle. 航天飞机发射前的倒计时已经开始。

There is a free 24-hour shuttle between the airport terminals. 在机场的各航空站之间有24小时的免费穿梭巴士。

The space shuttle returned safely today from a 10-day mission. 航天飞机在为期10天的任务之后于今日平安返回。

The mission for the crew of the space shuttle is essentially over. 航天飞机全体机务人员的使命基本完成。

UN mediators are conducting shuttle diplomacy between the two sides. 联合国调解员们在双方之间进行着穿梭外交。

This morning's launch of the space shuttle Columbia has been delayed. 定于今天上午哥伦比亚号航天飞机的发射已经被推迟了。

The space shuttle won't lift off the launch pad until Sunday at the earliest. 这架航天飞机最早要到星期天才会发射升空。

The space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to dock with Russia's Mir space station. 亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机计划与俄罗斯的米尔号空间站对接。

The space shuttle had stopped transmitting data, a very serious anomaly for the mission. 这架航天飞机已经停止了传输数据,这是这次任务中一个十分严重的反常现象。

The space agency says a problem has developed with an experiment aboard the space shuttle. 航天局说在航天飞机上做的一项实验出了问题。

A BMW has more software than the space shuttle. 比起航天飞机,一辆宝马车所需的软件要更多。

The key to the industrialization of space is the U.S. space shuttle. 太空产业化的关键是美国的航天飞机。

For instance, three keywords, "Beijing," "space shuttle," and "iguana," are used. 例如,使用3 个关键字 “Beijing”、“spaceshuttle”和 “iguana”。

Three shuttle exhibits on the East Coast, one of the West Coast, and nothing in between. 三架航天飞机在东海岸展览,一架在西海岸展览,中部没有展览。

They stand guard with weapons as the human survivors of the battle are marched onto the shuttle. 当战斗的人类幸存者被押上航天飞机时,他们拿着武器站岗。

The space shuttle undertook a top-secret mission with a military payload under Pentagon control. 航天飞机执行了一项绝密使命,其军用装备由五角大楼控制。

The technologically compromised space shuttle program has just come to an end, with no successor. 受技术影响的航天飞机计划刚刚结束,没有后续计划。

We play games. We do baton races, Indian runs, shuttle runs, all these things that go back to gym class. 我们玩游戏。我们进行接力赛、印度跑、穿梭跑,所有这些都重返到健身课堂。

The programme was set to follow the U.S. space agency's shuttle missions, which are due to end in September. 该项目原本设定在美国宇航局的航天飞机任务后,后者将于9月结束。

Just up the road, at Edwards Air Force Base, is the runway where nearly half of all shuttle flights touched down. 就在爱德华兹空军基地的这条路上,有一条跑道,几乎一半的航天飞机都在这里降落。

NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Agency, today announced in Florida that the next space shuttle mission has been canceled. 美国国家航空航天局今天在佛罗里达州宣布,已经取消了下一次的航天飞机任务。

The shuttle and space-station crews will perform several experiments, including testing technology to refuel satellites robotically. 航天飞机以及空间站上的人员将执行多个实验,包括测试用机器人给卫星补充燃料的技术。

Besides the meal and pantry food lockers, a fresh food locker is packed at KSC and installed on the shuttle 18 to 24 hours before launch. 除了饭和食品储藏室,一个新食品柜也在肯尼迪天空中心被打包,并在发射前18到24小时装上航天飞机。

They say it could one day replace NASA's Space Shuttle to transport up to 12 tonnes of cargo and astronauts to the International Space Station. 他们说,它有一天可能取代美国航空航天局的航天飞机,向国际空间站运送宇航员和多达12吨的货物。

The space shuttle, the world's first true spaceship, is a magnificent step in making the impossible possible for the benefit and survival of man. 这架航天飞机是世界上第一艘真正的宇宙飞船,它是为了人类的利益和生存而把不可能变为可能的伟大一步。

If we could power such an elevator with solar energy, we could simply rise up into space for a fraction of the cost of a trip by rocket or shuttle. 如果我们能利用太阳能为这样的电梯提供动力,我们只需花费乘坐火箭或航天飞机旅行费用的一小部分就能进入太空。

The space shuttle touched down yesterday. 这架航天飞机昨日着陆。

The satellite acts as a drag on the shuttle. 卫星是对航天飞机发展的阻碍。[1]

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