英 [ˈkɒntɪnənt] 美 [ˈkɑːntɪnənt]

n. 洲,大陆

adj. 有排便节制力的;<旧>节制性欲的

[ 复数 continents ][1]

The Continent 后会无期 ; 欧洲大陆 ; 大陆

THE LOST CONTINENT 消失的大陆 ; 一脚踩进小美国 ; 失落的大陆 ; 迷失的大陆

Continent of the ninth 第九大陆 ; 第九海洋 ; 第九年夜陆 ; 第九大路

The Last Continent 最后的净土 ; 最后净土 ; 地球脉动 ; 抢救南极

The Seventh Continent 第七大陆 ; 第七洲

dark continent 非洲

The Big Continent 大陆

New Continent 新大陆 ; 新大洲

antarctic continent 南极大陆[1]

She loved the African continent. 她热爱非洲大陆。

The news set off a continent-wide health scare. 这一消息引起了整个大陆的健康恐慌。

The famine threatened to depopulate the continent. 饥荒威胁着该大陆人口数量。

It is geographically more diverse than any other continent. 它在地理上比其他任何大陆都更具多样性。

Ancient historians wrote of a lost continent beneath the ocean. 古代史学家写过有关一个沉没海底大陆的事迹。

Nigeria is the most populous African country and an economic powerhouse for the continent. 尼日利亚是非洲人口最稠密的国家,也是非洲大陆的经济强国。

He traversed alone the whole continent of Africa from east to west. 他独自一人从东到西横越整个非洲大陆。

The ocean floor would kind of slide under the edge of the continent. 海洋底部在某种程度上会滑到大陆边缘之下。

Shackleton wanted to force a passage by dog sled across the continent. 沙克尔顿想用狗拉雪橇强行穿越大陆。

Robert Anderson to duplicate his Mexican success in the sub-continent. 罗伯特·安德森在次大陆复制了他在墨西哥的成功。

The World Cup is called that because teams from every continent have played in it. 世界杯之所以被称为世界杯,是因为各个大洲的球队都曾参加过这个比赛。

An island country, a whole continent, Australia has markably cohesive personality. 作为一个岛国,一个大洲,澳大利亚具有明显的人格凝聚力。

An island country, a whole continent, Australia has a remarkably cohesive personality. 作为一个岛国,一个完整的大陆,澳大利亚具有明显的凝聚力。

You could back off to see the state, the country, the continent, even the globe itself. 你可以退一步去看看这个州、这个国家、这个大陆,甚至这个地球本身。

The cane toad itself became a pest and has destroyed much of the wildlife on that continent. 蔗蜍本身变成了一种害虫,并且已经破坏了那片大陆上的很多野生动物。

More and more of this plate, the ocean floor, would go down under the continent into the mantle. 越来越多的这种板块,即海床,将在大陆下方进入地幔。

Because of this, Borlaug's initial projects were restricted to developed regions of the continent. 因此,博劳格最初的项目仅限于这片大陆的发达地区。

Not a single pebble was found that might have indicated that the pebbles came from the nearby continent. 附近没有发现任何鹅卵石能表明这些石头来自附近的大陆。

What happened to Australia's megafauna, the giant animals that once existed across this enormous continent? 曾经生活在澳大利亚这片广袤大陆上的巨型动物经历了什么?

The entire continent and the majority of species are now affected: between 30% and 50% of the tree population. 整个大陆和大部分的物种(占树木的数量的30%至50%)目前都受到了影响。

Being stationed in Antarctica involves adapting to life on the planet's driest, windiest and coldest continent. 驻扎在南极洲需要适应在地球上最干燥、风最大和最冷的大陆上生活。

Even though the northern part of the continent allowed for a more varied economy, several early human groups quickly moved south. 尽管大陆北部允许更多样化的经济存在,一些早期的人类群体很快向南迁移。

In boneyards across the continent, scientists have found the fossils of a giant snake, a huge flightless bird, and a seven-foot kangaroo. 在整个非洲大陆的尸骨堆放地里,科学家们发现了一条巨蟒、一只不会飞的大鸟和一只七英尺高的袋鼠的化石。

Now even the project's greatest cheerleaders talk of a continent facing a "Bermuda triangle" of debt, population decline and lower growth. 现在,即使是该计划最大的支持者也在谈论面临债务、人口减少和低增长的“百慕大三角”大陆的话题。

They are subject to climatic occurrences such as weather systems, which impact upon hemispheres as a whole, and from continent to continent. 它们受到气候变化事件的影响,例如天气系统能影响整个半球和各大洲都有影响。

Indeed, Australia has been drying out for over a million years, and the megatauna were faced with a continent where vegetation began to disappear. 其实,澳大利亚已经干燥一百多年了,巨型金枪鱼所面临的大陆植被开始消失。

If an ocean floor tectonic plate meets the edge of a continent and they push against each other, the heavier one sinks down and goes under the other one. 如果一个海底构造板块与大陆边缘接触并相互挤压,较重的板块下沉到另一个的下面。

Food and aid poured in from most developed countries into the continent, but thanks to the absence of efficient distribution system, the hungry remained empty-stomach. 粮食和援助从大多数发达国家涌入这片大陆,但由于缺乏高效的分配系统,饥饿的人们仍然饥肠辘辘。

It is not possible to determine whether both continents are moving in opposite directions or whether one continent is stationary and the other is drifting away from it. 我们不可能确定是两个大陆在向相反的方向移动,还是一个大陆是静止的,而另一个大陆在漂移。

In Europe, more than 140,000 students participate in the Erasmus program each year, taking courses for credit in one of 2,200 participating institutions across the continent. 在欧洲,每年有超过14万名学生参加伊拉斯谟项目,他们在欧洲大陆的2200所参与机构之一修读了学分课程。[1]

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