






Gluten ribs fish pot

Ingredients: 300 g sub-row, fish, gluten 250 g;

Seasoning: Hua Diao wine 10 grams, 6 grams of salt, white pepper, 2 grams, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, ginger 2, 5 grams of chopped green onion, onion Results 1;

Gluten ribs cooking pot fish production methods:

Wash the ribs, add rice wine, ginger, scallion into 1000 grams of water, simmered, 1.5 hours to Sulan. Another gluten water fish over the water, too cold, drain water, down into the pot right ribs had been slightly burned, seasoning, transfer to a plate, sprinkle with chopped green onion can be served.

Cooking points: fish gluten is not a long time, and cook ribs a broken pot system to prevent the paste soup;

Featured dishes: fish with, nutrition and health, make the body healthy, young and old.

Derived dishes: Wild catfish stew gluten, fish, gluten barrel burning bone.

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